February 11, 2009

Where’s Hillary?

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 9:38 pm

The other night, during The One’s bullshitfest press conference, he gave shout outs to a couple members of his administration. One name notably absent was “Hillary Clinton.” The One has given the high-visibility foreign assignments to “czars” and pals — even Joe the Maroon Biden (a self-proclaimed foreign policy expert). Perhaps Hillary will be sent to negotiate a peace treaty with The Duchy of Grand Fenwick.

Obama has a history of throwing people under the bus, but in Hillary’s case it seems she’s been relegated to the back of the bus.

Cracks me up to see that Bill and Hillary were outfoxed by our Chicago Politician-in-Chief.


  1. It is pretty amazing how she’s completely disappeared.

    As Tom Lehrer might have said…

    What ever became of Hill’ry?
    has anyone heard a thing?
    Once she shone on her own
    Now she sits home alone
    While Bill’s off doing some…thing

    Comment by Mr. Bingley — February 12, 2009 @ 8:21 am

  2. Well, so far, the new Obama administration has :

    1. removed Hillary from her sinecure Senate seat, which for the prior 8 years, served no purpose other than a publicly funded launch pad for her presidential ambitions ,

    2. comvinced her to take a job in which she serves at the pleasure of her former opponent, and from which she can be dismissed at any time, and

    3. for all practical purposes, disappeared her from the face of the earth.

    I guess this qualifies as a real silver lining to the dark cloud of creeping socialism !

    Comment by Angie — February 12, 2009 @ 11:15 am

  3. Don’t celebrate her demise yet. Sec of State job was the Clinton’s price for getting out of the race. Cankles and the Bent One will use the position to loot the world. Termites can quietly destroy even the finest building-wait til she starts traveling, groveling before despots and undermining America’s greatness. I thought Maddy Halfbright was the worst SofS there could ever be, but we ain’t seen nuthin’ yet!

    Comment by Ernie Nilsen — February 12, 2009 @ 1:48 pm

  4. Ernie, you have a good point, and Hillary at State is a potential nightmare, but allow me to breathe a sigh of relief for her no longer being one of the Senators from my state ( hopefully Schumer goes next ).

    Still, she’s now in a position where the Obamanation can sack her for pretty much any reason whatsoever. If you believe Dick Morris, she’s already lost most of the power that the SOS usually has.

    Karma, baby ! Sometimes it does come back to bite you !

    Comment by Angie — February 12, 2009 @ 10:08 pm

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