Wayback Machine.
I am haunted by a recurring nightmare in which I am a guy in Munich back in, say, 1934, who can see into the future.
In my nightmare, there is a new leader who has taken the nation by storm. He promises us Hope and Change by bringing the nation back from the doldrums and economic chaos following the defeat in World War I and the Treaty of Versailles. The Volk are mesmerized by this new leader’s charismatic speeches. They’re convinced of his almost superhuman powers and great wisdom, because he attracts huge crowds and he’s managed to get the trains to run on time.
The problem is that, in my nightmare, despite all the adulation heaped on the guy, I know how it will all turn out in the end, and no one will listen.
Which is why I don’t sleep much.
The crapstorm is coming, Jimbo, and it’s not going to be good. I can’t believe who’s running the country. I don’t know what the tipping point will be, but there’s a lot of anger and fear out there and the pitchforks and torches are being assembled.
Comment by JerryK — February 14, 2009 @ 10:17 pm
And he blames everything on the Jews.
You should get more sleep. When you think about it, Reagan, the charismatic speech and wisdom (really just common sense), brought us out of the despair of the Carter years. So we’re batting .500. Considering that Obama will likely turn out to be Carter on speed, we’ll be at .333 – still in the major leagues I hope. Hang in there!
If “twinkle ears” starts blaming crap on one particular race (or religion) then let the insomnia begin.
Comment by Dan — February 14, 2009 @ 10:49 pm
Sounds an awful lot like the dream I had late October last year.
Comment by DMerriman — February 14, 2009 @ 10:50 pm
Yes I’ll grant you that there are parallels, but I don’t think that Obama wants to attack Poland or create more living space for Germans in the east.
Comment by Jay Stribling — February 14, 2009 @ 11:41 pm
Obama is not Hitler. Far from it. Don’t despair, things will get better for this country. Keep hope and faith alive!
Comment by Kevin — February 14, 2009 @ 11:50 pm
Funny you should say that, but I had this conversation with a few folks at work and my eldest son.
Its NOT that I think that Obama is Hitler. Its that you can have masses of people fall in love with a politician and hang on every word. The media and the people are in love.
I am astounded by the ‘lemming effect’. I keep preaching to my son, “Think independently.”
I want to yell at people, “HE IS A POLITICIAN!” But they are following him blindly and I find that a scary mindset.
And as I told my son, it is a mindset of early Germany.
How horrific it had to be, to be a German who saw through it all, and looked upon his countrymen who were following lockstep. How scary not to be able to shake them out of it and to watch it crumble around them.
That is what I have been telling my eldest.
Comment by Bou — February 15, 2009 @ 1:08 am
We have seen this all before. For those of us old enough to remember the Kennedy years it is the same drum beat. We all know how that ended.
Comment by James Old GUy — February 15, 2009 @ 9:00 am
Obama is only like Hitler in that he is a wildly popular leader who in essence came out of nowhere to energize his nations people.
Hitler got the trains to run on time….Obama is going to bankrupt our economy.
What remains to be seen is how Obama deals with his enemies. Will he use the press and his willing allies to demonize and destroy political enemies?
We have already seen the Democratic Congress is willing to use their power to shut out dissenting voices and opinions.
I am not going to sweat this one too hard just yet. I am going to continue to be a member of The Resistance but I am going to hold tight until the 2010 Congressional elections. If Obama and his Dumbocrat allies screw shit up so bad that the GOP is called in to clean up the mess, all will be fine and we will be done with Obama in 2012. Unfortunately, if the American people think that socialism is ok and a dead American economy is just what we need….then pitchforks and torches may be the Order of The Day.
Until then…peaceful protest is all that is required.
Comment by RobbieRob — February 15, 2009 @ 9:35 am
I wanna stay and fight.
Comment by Jean — February 15, 2009 @ 3:05 pm
Gee Jim,
Thanks a lot, I’m sure to be seeing the ceiling for hour on nights to come.
Comment by Mark Reardon — February 15, 2009 @ 3:06 pm
Obama is just a man, nothing more. He is just trying the best that he can to lead this nation. This nation will endure and be the better for it. Have a good day!
Comment by Kevin — February 15, 2009 @ 5:14 pm
I spend a lot of time oiling my guns and keeping my knives honed to a razor edge.
Everything that Obama and his coharts are doing is right out of the socialist playbook. I expect to see him raise his covilain security force next…and he will do it under the guise of putting people to work. And when his Jackboots start to violate our civil rights then the revolution will begin. It remains to be seen who will fire the first shot but I have my doubts it will be Fort Sumter…probably some redneck lawyer in New Joisey
Comment by GUYK — February 15, 2009 @ 7:55 pm
Kevin, go back to kissing your sister.
Comment by James Old GUy — February 15, 2009 @ 7:55 pm
That Kevin dude is too “fair and balanced” to suit me.
He reaps of “TROLL”.
Comment by Little Willie — February 16, 2009 @ 1:02 pm
Kevin is a regular reader, and he seems like a genuinely nice person. Obviously, we disagree rather dramatically on our political views, but he is always courteous. It’s OK by me.
Comment by Jim — February 16, 2009 @ 8:30 pm
Scary – the comparisons are *all* scary… Yeesh.
Comment by Richmond — February 16, 2009 @ 9:39 pm
I believe the term, “Lock and Load” will become a reality sooner than later.
It’s the only way ….
Comment by Braden — February 17, 2009 @ 1:05 pm