August 14, 2009

“It’s against the law to have health insurance in Massachusetts, and it’s against the law not to have it, too.”

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 9:21 pm

Sound bizarre? Maybe, but it may be what’s for dinner for the rest of us.

The gentleman who blogs at Sippican Cottage and who lives in Massachusetts explains.

While you’re at the Cottage, take the time to look at the beautiful furniture this man makes and sells while he’s not writing extremely engaging blog posts.

Thanks to reader, Dick, for the pointer.


  1. We need Universal Health Care now! If Europe and Canada can do it, we certainly can. If we do nothing, health care will bankrupt this country.

    Comment by Kevin — August 14, 2009 @ 9:55 pm

  2. Kevin, there are still a lot of questions about health care “reform” that I haven’t heard answered.

    You might also want to remember that the same systems that provide “universal health care” also tend to be those with the highest tax rates.

    Comment by Dave Merriman — August 14, 2009 @ 11:15 pm

  3. Kevin…..

    Before you jump on the “me too” band wagon…….Take the time to evaluate what these enlightened countries actually provide , also see where their citizens go for surgerie`s & procedures when their restricted or rationed healthcare requires long waiting periods.

    What you are doing is the same as what our Congress is presently doing ……taking action without taking the time to read & understand what they are voting for & the implication for what they are approving.

    First , we here in the United States do have one of the finest if not best healthcare system in the world.
    Were you to reasearch this , you would quickly come to the same conclusion.

    Problems in our system…..

    1. Relative high cost due to frivilious law suits, this could be rectified without destroying the system we have through effective legislation.
    2. Medicare & Medicade fraud which also contributes to the problems….An example of what Government intrusion into areas they do not belong causes. Prior to these programs healthcare was readily available & reasonable in cost. As an example I can remember when a private hospital room cost $35.00 to $45.00 per day. Now an aspirin cost`s more then that. The fraud can b etamed with aggressive prosecution of thos ewho overbill & charge for non existant services.
    3. Health care decisions are being made by bureaucrats in the insurance companies instead of healthcare professionals. When decisions are based on the bottom line , the patient will suffer. This could also be easily changed through legislation & efforts to control illegitimate costs.
    4 . Too many illegal`s & other freeloaders receiving a free ride courtesy of those who pay taxes. Deport the illegals & require those on the public dole capable of working to get on a work fare program to offset the cost.Also require the same coverage for them as we the taxpayers receive.

    The plan as Obama is attempting is not so much about healthcare as it is about extending governmental control over more of the private lives of all Americans.

    Freedom is a precious thing …..million`s still want to come here to experience it … not be so foolish as to give away as once it is gone, it will not return without a struggle.

    Comment by dudley1 — August 15, 2009 @ 12:45 pm

  4. dudley1,



    Comment by Jim — August 15, 2009 @ 1:26 pm

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