January 10, 2010

Three Guys Just Sittin’ Around and Pickin’.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 3:23 pm

No big deal, unless the three guys are Chet Atkins, Leo Kottke and Doc Watson. The setting appears to be a vacant conference room at a hotel.

Note: at the beginning, Chet tunes up on the fly while the others are playing.


Found at and shamelessly swiped from Sippican Cottage.


  1. … incredible….. I saw Doc Watson play at the Tennessee Theatre in Knoxville a few years back…. he is truly amazing….

    Comment by Eric — January 10, 2010 @ 4:13 pm

  2. LOVED this, thanks!

    Comment by MissBirdlegs in AL — January 10, 2010 @ 5:06 pm

  3. Chet Atkins & Les Paul were always my idols for guitar work when I was young. I have a number of their albums & always wanted to play like them …..never happened, my finger`s just would not cooperate.
    It always amazed me so many of the rock band guitarists in the early days got by just knowing 3 maybe 4 chords & played rhythm.
    A very good friend of mine who was an accomplished guitarist with his Les Paul custom told me ….It was easy to play a guitar badly & very difficult to play well.
    Herb had also mastered the piano,fiddle,accordian & mandolin & was comfortable with Rock, Country, Blue Grass & Jazz.
    It is a shame most great guitar masters never received the acclaim their talent deserved while a lot of one dimensional individuals did.

    Comment by dudley1 — January 11, 2010 @ 10:08 am

  4. I once worked for Lowell Atkins, Chet’s brother. That was more than three decades ago though. Lowell was a pretty damn good picker too.

    Comment by hoosierboy — January 11, 2010 @ 12:43 pm

  5. Tuning On The Fly…great name for a sailboat.

    Just sayin’

    Comment by Yabu — January 11, 2010 @ 2:21 pm

  6. Brilliant. I have this piece on my iPod.

    I’m a Kottke fan from ‘way back. This is a trio made in heaven.

    Comment by Elisson — January 11, 2010 @ 3:44 pm

  7. We are going to see Tommy Emmanuel in Troy in Febuary.
    Hope to see you there!

    Comment by jw — January 11, 2010 @ 7:57 pm

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