August 26, 2011

Irene ….. 3

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 1:59 pm

A gazillion people pulling their boats out of the water.

Predictably, the Garden State Parkway North is a mess. Friends left Cape May (the southernmost town in NJ), heading north. It has taken them four hours just to get as far as Atlantic City (roughly 40 miles). They have about 130 more miles to go.

1 Comment »

  1. That’s why I will NOT evacuate at the first “We’re ALL gonna die! Run away! Run away!”

    I have access to better forecasting data than the local news idiots, and I summarily assign high stupidity levels to many of those who get on the roads to leave.


    Comment by mostly cajun — August 27, 2011 @ 10:22 am

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