March 4, 2012


Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 9:49 pm

1. No one ever started a business for the purpose of “creating jobs.” People start businesses for the purposes of making more money from the business than it costs to run the business, otherwise known as making a profit. Jobs are by-product of a successful business. The jobs so-created exist solely to maintain or improve the business’s success. It’s really that simple.

2. It is instructive to remember that the federal government was created by the states, not the other way around. When the states created the federal government, having recently fought a war to be free from the tyranny of a distant centralized government, they specifically limited the powers of the newly-created federal government to those set forth in the Constitution. To make the limitation of those powers crystal clear, the Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution. What the heck has happened?

3. I believe that watching daytime TV will rot your brain.

4. It is rumored that someone shopped at Costco and spent less than one-hundred dollars. Who is this person?

5. I believe it has become impossible to go for an entire day without reading or hearing the words “Muslim” and “outrage” in the same sentence. I’m outraged by that.

That is all.


  1. Word.

    Comment by Yabu — March 4, 2012 @ 10:21 pm

  2. We don’t even pay lip service to the tenth amendment or the limited,enumerated powers of the federal government.When Pelosi was asked for the constitutional basis for Obamacare,she asked if the reporter was serious.Pete Stark,a liberal idiot representative from California basically said there are no limits on the federal government .The Constitution is not taught anymore in many schools. The biggest joke is that Obama taught the subject when obviously he knows nothing about it.That is why he cannot appoint any more Kagans or Sotomayors .

    Comment by john — March 4, 2012 @ 10:46 pm

  3. Great post. I think your Number One captures an essential economic truth in a handy nutshell. There is no greater job-generation machine than a capitalist economy. Regulation is necessary to prevent abuse, but not to keep the invisible hand of the free market from doing its work.

    Comment by Elisson — March 5, 2012 @ 10:26 am

  4. If you put on blinders and run straight to the meat department and then straight to the cash register in a Castco, it is possible to get out under $100.00. Oh, you can’t take a cart.

    Comment by mark reardon — March 5, 2012 @ 10:15 pm

  5. Daughter and I actually did that last weekend at Costco.

    And she looked at me in stunned disbelief when we saw the total was under $50.

    Mind you, that was my third trip to Costco last weekend…

    Comment by Mr. Bingley — March 6, 2012 @ 9:30 am

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