May 2, 2005

The Nine-Minute Experiment.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 8:35 pm

Rick at See What You Share has previously warned us that unwary users of peer to peer (P2P) file sharing software may well be making the contents of their entire C-Drives available for downloading by other users of the software. He has also demonstrated that the pictures of their children that people maintain on their C-Drives may well end up being downloaded to a computer on which there are hundreds of child pornography files.

Rick has now done a Nine-Minute Experiment, the results of which should send shivers down your spine. In short, he created a folder that contained innocuous documents, but which included titles such as:

OIF Iraqi Freedom Deployment Schedule NOT PUBLIC!
Mom & Dad’s Credit Card Info.
Kids – Playday @ School

Take a look at how many people downloaded those files from Rick’s computer in a period of nine minutes! Furthermore, depending on how people have their P2P software configured, these files could be available for the picking every time the user boots up the computer.

It’s downright frightening.

As I noted here, the software producers/licensors could go a long way to minimizing this problem by changing the software defaults to permit the sharing of only music files (as that’s why most people download P2P) and to prominently warn users that changing the default could expose the entire contents of their C-Drives to anyone who has the same P2P software.

So why don’t software producers take these measures? I think it’s fair to assume that such programming changes would be a snap.

In my personal opinion, P2P software producers, many of whom currently find themselves embroiled in copyright infringement actions relating to music file sharing, currently can argue that they are not inducing copyright infringement because their software permits the sharing of all sorts of files which do not in any way implicate the copyright laws. And, as such, they cannot be blamed if users choose to share copyrighted music files with their proiducts.

Indeed, if the producers were to adjust the defaults to permit the sharing of only music files, their “we-know-nothing” argument against the inducement of copyright infringement loses much of its force.

On the other hand, the software producers, by failing to change the defaults and by not prominently warning users of the consequences of the using the default settings, could end up being defendants in tort actions by users for any number of the litany of potential horribles that one can envision based on the results of Rick’s Nine-Minute Experiment.

Finally, the national security implications of the Nine-Minute Experiment are beyond frightening and must be addressed.


  1. Turd Meme

    I got tagged with this, er, crap, hehe. So here goes.

    Trackback by Evilwhiteguy's Blog — May 3, 2005 @ 5:09 pm

  2. Just try and make people understand that the software and the operating systems they use are inherently insecure. They just don’t get it and don’t want to get it! And until the users do decide to make a fuss… say about 90% of the users all together – nothing is going to change.

    But I’m pretty sure it will take a cataclysm along the lines of an earthquake at about 10 on the Richter Scale to make people take note. Until then – they just sneer at those who tell them P2P is a bad idea.

    Comment by Teresa — May 3, 2005 @ 5:30 pm

  3. You know something this guy is certainly not vindictive.

    Anyone to does searches on P2P networks for
    kids photos, credit information, etc?

    Would serve them right if instead of a fake
    file they downloaded and opened a virus.

    Comment by Dan Kauffman — May 3, 2005 @ 8:25 pm

  4. Dan – the only problem with that would be – if they download a virus from you… and they know you have open shares on your computer – what’s to stop them from coming back and executing that same virus on your computer? If they already know the file is a virus… it would be a piece of cake.

    Comment by Teresa — May 5, 2005 @ 12:31 am

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