Sunday With the Usuals.
Spent the better part of the morning at Costco (God help me) and the liquor store picking up soda, beer and stuff for the Post’s Memorial Day Open House that follows the Memorial Day parade in town. I wanted to get it done today, because next week at this time, a good number of the Usual Suspects will be in Florida doing a lot of poolside sitting and a helluva lot of poolside drinking. I’m psyched.
Now, I just have enough time to read a chapter or two in a real book before I head over to the Post for the usual Sunday gathering of the Usual Suspects.
I’ll be home in time to watch Deadwood.
Sad episode. Although I did crack up with Jane’s line of “Fuck! I burned my snatch!”
Just not something you hear every day.
Comment by Kate — May 15, 2005 @ 10:04 pm
From Illinois Usual Suspect–looking forward to poolside sitting, hellva lot of poolside drinking and music provided by our one and only J Flynn.
Comment by Susan — May 15, 2005 @ 10:22 pm
Looking forward to seeing you guys down there. We’ll keep the ice machine running in high gear.
P.S. Kenny still has his eye on that hat.
Comment by Jim - Parkway Rest Stop — May 16, 2005 @ 8:36 am