May 15, 2005

Cars on my Mind.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 8:29 pm

I was just talking to my buddy Paulie at the Post, and he showed me pictures of the ’67 GTO he has been refurbishing (I’m not sure that’s the right word) for years. He is re-doing the entire car from chassis up. The mondo-expensive paint job is now complete (candy apple red), and he had the bumpers chromed in some place in North Carolina. In a year or so it should be on the road, at least to car shows. It’s a beauty.

A friend of mine had a GTO in the sixties (I believe it was a ’66). I drove it a few times, and it was a killer.

With cars and car shows on my mind, I got a great kick out of this – a car cozy!

Via Cripes, Suzette.


  1. Wow.

    This is equally disturbing: A Tank Teddie – a cozy for your grill’s LP tank.

    Comment by Jeff — May 16, 2005 @ 3:52 am

  2. One of my life’s goals is to make my own art car but I’ve always been held back by lack of welding skills. Why did it never occur to me that I could just knit one up?

    Comment by Suzette — May 16, 2005 @ 5:17 am

  3. A vintage GOAT is a thing of my dreams. Almost as good as a ’57 Chevy Bel Air.

    Comment by Acidman — May 16, 2005 @ 8:32 pm

  4. muscle cars

    I read this post and I started to salivate. I grew up in the heyday of muscle cars, hot-rods and…

    Trackback by Gut Rumbles — May 16, 2005 @ 9:04 pm

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