Dumbshit Spammers.
I just got an e-mail, purporting to come from AOL, with the following subject line: “Your account will be suspender.”
Holy Shit!! My account might be suspender!!!
I won’t be using AOL to hold up my pants, nor will I be opening the asinine e-mail.
I’d think that’d be great news Jim! I’d be half tempted to reply, well, Thank you very much! 😉
Comment by RedNeck — October 7, 2005 @ 9:55 pm
I love those things. Got one at work one time asked me to login to verify and keep my account.
So I logged in as
Stupid Scammer.
Got a nice page with
HELLO Stupid Scammer! ;-))
Sometimes it’s fun to fwd those emails to other email addresses just like them
Comment by Dan Kauffman — October 8, 2005 @ 12:59 am
Aaahahhahahahha! I hate it when I get suspendered.
Comment by Pammy — October 8, 2005 @ 1:22 pm