July 15, 2006


Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 12:41 pm

We’ll be attending a wedding later today, and it is a rather special one. David (a Usual Suspect, hisownself), son of Usual Suspects The Original Bill and the Quietly Sinister Linda, is marrying his bride, Jennifer. I believe that this is the first time since TJ’s wedding that virtually all the Usual Suspects will be cleaned up, dressed up, and in the same place at the same time.

Rooms have been booked at a hotel that runs a shuttle to the wedding venue, because an event such as this makes driving home afterward (or even walking straight, for that matter) an absolute impossibility.

It should be one helluva party.

I may not surface until Monday.


  1. … enjoy your evening, Jimbo…. but try to stay upright….. you are too damn heavy to try to pick back up…. trust me….

    Comment by Eric — July 15, 2006 @ 10:51 pm

  2. Have fun.

    Comment by Libby — July 16, 2006 @ 8:40 am

  3. Hope you had a ball and hope you’re not feeling as hungover today as I am…ugh…

    Comment by Lisa W. — July 16, 2006 @ 12:52 pm

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