September 12, 2007


Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 8:50 pm

Today I decided to rummage through a portion of my briefcase in order to toss some of the crap that has accumulated there over the past several months. I got rid of a bunch of gas receipts and some well-aged work stuff I had brought home to read.

I also came across a few scraps of paper on which were my longhand scribbling about one thing or another. Most of them were phone numbers and hastily jotted-down points relating to business matters. I did, however, find a rather beaten looking old business-size envelope, which was folded in half and on which I had scratched a few non-work related thoughts.

Turns out that the scribbles were my running notes obviously taken while I was in the Service Area waiting for the Big, Fat, Black Capitalist Car to be pampered. No doubt they were originally jotted down in anticipation of using them to write a stellar blog post. After all, I’ve written about being captive in the Service Area a couple of times before, so at the time I must have thought that the goings on were blogworthy.

Well, the scribbles never did make it into a post, but seeing as how I don’t feel like doing any heavy lifting right about now, I thought I’d share the notes from the back of that envelope, uncut, uncensored and frankly ungood. I figure it will give you a peek inside my cruller at what was a less-than-outstanding time.

The Scene: When these notes were taken, I was sitting in the dealer’s Customer Waiting Area, which has all the ambience of a bomb shelter. I had brought a book to read, but the distractions were such that reading was all but impossible. Here ‘tis:

Shit! Fake Judge What’shername is on TV.

Nice looking. Wonder where she finished in L.S. class?

Case – Who shot BB gun and broke window?

P*** – Pissed off woman – blames local kid

Witness — Some guy has homemade CSI trajectory charts – Who is this guy? Charts?

Kid = ∆? “Didn’t do it.”

“Judge” – Guy’s charts clever but wtf?

“Judge” – To ∆ — I know you did it, but … reasonable doubt …blah blah

Verdict for ∆

Case – Laptop ownership dispute – P is ∆’s former ER [employer]

∆ – “P gave me computer when I quit. Owed me $”


P — e-mail from ∆ to ∆’s former co-worker – Screw them I kept comp.


P wins. No shit.

Seriously fat babe waddles into room – works in connecting office – grabs two jelly donuts – back to office – BAD IDEA.

Case: P suing roofer(?) – damage to aluminum door jamb on garage.

“Judge” has hammer! Whacks piece of aluminum – dent — shows ∆ how easy it was.

Verdict: P rules of evidence?? WTF??

Hot in here – stuffy as hell. People assholes. Cell phones!

New TV Program

F**k! Another “judge” – Divorce Court. Shit.

Wife is P He knew I wanted him out ………….

At this point, I must have been summoned to the Service Desk to pay my bill and begin the day.

My cruller: Not a pretty picture.

*** In legal shorthand, the symbol for “plaintiff” is the Greek letter Pi. Damned if I could a Pi symbol in Word. Hence the “P.” The symbol for “defendant” is the Greek letter Delta, which, as you can see, I managed to find. While we’re at it, the symbol for “contract” is the letter “K.” None of the cases mentioned involved a contract, but I thought you might like to know that little tidbit. No charge.


  1. I thought I was the only one that did scribbles. Mine never make their way to the blog. I forget I have scribbles.

    Comment by RT — September 12, 2007 @ 10:16 pm

  2. I should keep a pad and paper to scribble on… of course it would never turn out as well as yours. LOL.

    Comment by Teresa — September 12, 2007 @ 11:14 pm

  3. Jimbo…..i`ll let you in on a big secret…..forget those fast paced judge shows as they either have PMS or or are losers for lifetime judgeships in their local elections.
    Watch the ladies programs “As the word squirms’ The guiding light” etc….Why even if you go 6 months between oil changes before you take the Conestoga Wagon in for maintenance…….only about 5 minutes has transpired on the program, you never miss a thing.

    Comment by dudley1 — September 13, 2007 @ 7:50 am

  4. hey to be the heavy, but the only thing worse than watching hours of fake judge tv shows is surely taking them down in shorthand.

    Pathetic, I liked it more when you spent your days at the autoshop reporting stranger’s napkin free booger removal strategies. wasn’t that you, too? Man, those were the days.

    Comment by shoe — September 13, 2007 @ 9:11 am

  5. I never could figure why II is used for Pi when 0 would have been better. Everyone knows that pi are round..

    Comment by GUYK — September 13, 2007 @ 9:37 am

  6. Π … or Ï€ … both fine choices. 🙂

    Comment by Auskunft — September 13, 2007 @ 9:38 am

  7. Mmmm….! Lawspeak… mmmmm!

    As long as legal talk ain’t directed toward me, I’m fascinated by it.


    Comment by Joan of Argghh! — September 13, 2007 @ 4:19 pm

  8. programs -> accessories -> character maps -> π

    Comment by Bill — September 13, 2007 @ 5:12 pm

  9. Joanie, it is rather fascinating, Lawspeak, until one day, someone decides to smack a disclaimer on your ass.

    [Four days later, I doubt anyone will see this. ~sigh~]

    Comment by Wiseass Jooette — September 17, 2007 @ 8:49 am

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