March 14, 2008


Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 11:27 pm

Just returned from an evening at the thee-ah-tah, where I saw Steel Magnolias. We have a subscription, so we get the season’s tickets mailed way in advance. Came home from work, gobbled down a quick dinner, grabbed the tickets and headed out the door absolutely convinced we were on our way to see “Kiss Me Kate,” a Cole Porter musical. Only when entering the thee-ah-tah did we realize that “Kiss Me Kate” is the next play of the season.

“Steel Magnolias” was good, but I was ready for a musical. I suppose I have made worse mistakes. It ain’t easy being a patron of the arts.


  1. Uh, hellooo: A buncha Southern wimmens “…weather every event in their lives en masse with grace, determination, and perfectly coifed hair.” How could you love that?

    On a somewhat hair-related musical note, one of my photographers is a towering, brobdingnagian, very shiny-headed bald dude who, every time I call his cell, an automated lady’s voice comes on saying, “Please enjoy the music while your party is reached,” followed by the refrains of the song “Hair.”

    I suppose if one is not blessed with cranial hirsuteness, making up for it with a sense of humor must be the next best thing.

    Comment by Erica — March 14, 2008 @ 11:42 pm

  2. S.F.D.P.H!! I meant, “How could you NOT love that?” (My cue to go to bed)

    Comment by Erica — March 14, 2008 @ 11:44 pm

  3. The only part of the flick I liked was the dude shooting the birds and causing that damn dawg to lose his I am wondering how much noise the .357 made on stage and if they had to change dawgs to show it lost that hair..

    Comment by GUYK — March 15, 2008 @ 9:23 am

  4. The gunshots were offstage, and Ouiser, the dog owner, came running into the shop covered with clumps of dog hair. Pretty funny.


    Comment by Jim — March 15, 2008 @ 1:09 pm

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