A Message to the Fence Sitters.
Yeah, I’m talking to those of you who have given some thought to attending the upcoming Spring BlogFest a/k/a Jersey Blogmeet on April 5th in Princeton, but who haven’t yet taken the plunge.
I suspect that you’re thinking runs something like the following, to which I will add my commentary, as a veteran of ten blogmeets in five different states:
Jeez, I won’t know anyone there.
It may take you all of three minutes to know a dozen people. Bloggers are an exceedingly friendly bunch. After ten minutes, you’ll find it hard to get a word in edgewise, because bloggers are not only friendly, they are also loquacious blabbermouths.
Princeton? I’ve heard of the school (Yeah, it’s the one that lost the first intercollegiate football game to Rutgers), but getting there is a pain in the ass.
Car – easy. Princeton sits on Route 1. Trains: They run from various places in Jersey and from Philly and New York. Teresa is making the trek from Massachusetts and the Wiseass Jooette will be schlepping in from the New York Shithole Brooklyn. The Triumph Brewery (the site of the festivities) is walking distance from the station.
What if it’s borrrrrring?
Bloggers? Boring? You’ll be surrounded by peeps who love to write and love woids and who are excellent bullshitters story tellers. Boring? No farookin’ way.
What if I think all the people there are jerks?
I suppose that non-bloggers might think that people who spend too much time sitting in front of a computer reading blogs and way too much time writing stuff to shoot out into cyberspace are jerks, but what the hell do they know?
Will they think I’m a jerk?
I suppose that’s possible, if you plan to show up needing a bath and spending a good deal of time picking your nose or ass and farting loudly and often. Come to think of it, I suspect that farting loudly and often might make you the life of the party. “My goodness, did you hear that? He farts like Hemmingway.â€
I have nothing to say to these people.
You have nothing to say? You’re a BLOGGER, fer Chrissake.
My sock drawer needs arranging on April 5th.
Sorry ass. Look, I’ll even let you touch my great farookin’ hair. That’s a helluva lot better than arranging socks or some shit.
So, cut the crap and click HERE to sign up already.
Yes I am having my big adventure heading to the wilds of Joiseyland…
I’m taking the train too… although I am starting from Providence, RI instead of Boston cause that works better for me. Still it will be a blast. Can’t wait. (of course the thought of Thelma and Joo-ise may just scare off the more faint hearted and timid bloggers… I promise that Erica and I will not give anyone any trouble – except for Jimbo and his body guard… that goes without saying)
Comment by Teresa — March 26, 2008 @ 11:57 pm
“Look, I’ll even let you touch my great farookin’ hair”
You do put yourself in the begging mode here, sir. Does that mean I can bring my electric clippers? Tempting but alas, I must decline. I promised years ago not go go any farther north than the alligator line…
Comment by GUYK — March 27, 2008 @ 5:39 am
Looking forward to it!
Comment by Mr. Bingley — March 27, 2008 @ 7:21 am
cripes, I hope I don’t scare anyone…
Comment by gregor — March 27, 2008 @ 7:30 am
Srry my passport is being reviewed by unauthorized employee’s of Stanley Associates.
Comment by james old guy — March 27, 2008 @ 9:08 am
I would so come if it were closer.
When will the great blog meets take place in Orlando? Everyone want to come see Mickey, don’t they?
Instead of Gay Days, we could have Blogger Days.
Comment by wRitErsbLock — March 27, 2008 @ 10:32 am
Meanwhile back in Norf Korea……
HOE-REE SHITS! I’m a Brogger!
Ruv Yoo Looong Time (and often)!!!
Great Reader,
Comment by JihadGene — March 27, 2008 @ 10:54 am
… can I put up a tent in your back yard?…..
Comment by Eric — March 27, 2008 @ 5:38 pm
Heck, I’m coming from half way across Pennsylvania and know absolutely no one there except via this intertubes thingy. Looking forward to seeing who some of these folks are in the flesh and blood. (Don’t take that literally Gregor!)
Comment by joated — March 27, 2008 @ 6:47 pm
Sure wish I could be there, but just can’t fit it in. I just arrived in Texas today, and will be just gettting back to Indy on the 3rd.
Y’all have fun. Take lots o’ pics!
Comment by Jerry — March 27, 2008 @ 6:54 pm
I soooo wish I could be there, but that’s an awfully long drive from California!
Say, when are youse peeps ever going to come out to La La land for a blog meet?? There are 7 bars within walking distance of my place here….not to mention there’s a beach as well. In the dead of winter, when youse guys are all snowed in, you should fly out here and we’ll go wading in the ocean….blogmeet on the beach!
Comment by DogsDontPurr — March 27, 2008 @ 8:08 pm
Fart like Hemingway (with one M, Mister Smotty Fotty Pants with the law degree!) near me, and you lose the hair.
Ruv Yoo Looong Time!!
Comment by JihadJooette — March 27, 2008 @ 10:12 pm
K, if I can talk about YEMEN.
I’m in.
Comment by Jane — March 27, 2008 @ 10:18 pm
I have been to 5 blogmeets in 3 different states and can’t write a word or carry a tune per Jimbo. I have a great time and have met some very interesting people at these meets. So for those of you who blog, you should be there.
Eric, no need to put tent up in Jim’s back yard, you can have the upstairs suite at my house. This is only used for high ranking quests to which you are up there on my list.
See everyone April 5th !!!!!!
Comment by The Body Guard — March 29, 2008 @ 8:01 am
It’s going to be a great party!
Comment by Fausta — March 29, 2008 @ 7:34 pm