April 30, 2008

Back When I was A Yoot.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 8:34 pm

Get you a cherry coke and check out a piece of my yoot. It’s a shame that many of youse peeps missed it. There were no computers or cell phones then, but somehow we managed just fine, thank you.

Thanks to Usual Suspect Jeff, da Chef a da Future.


  1. Awww yes! Cherry Cokes and Cherry BLOMBS! Ruved it Looong Time! If ownree it had The Trashmen playing Surfin’ Bird or Miserlu. Gotta go, just got an adapt-a-kit, some Bond-O, and Uniroyal Tigerpaws frum J.C. Whitney for mines ’72 Pinto Wagon! Goin’ cruzin’ Flyday night on the outer perimeter of one of my Gulags for Girls (I’m have an early releash program)!!!

    Tanks Mucho!
    Great Reader KIM Jong IL

    Comment by JihadGene — April 30, 2008 @ 10:08 pm

  2. Sweeeeeeeet!! But dang, you is older than doit, Hairboy. I suppose you also fancied yourself an extra in “Rebel Without a Cause.”

    If my memory serves, baddest car my Old Man ever had was a sunburst orange ’72 Buick Skylark. How he went from that to a chintzy brown Dodge Aspen station wagon is anybody’s guess.

    It was a sad day, the day our Skylark died, but we were glad since my Dad managed to walk away after getting broad-sided by a freakin’ truck.

    I’d rather have my Old Man than the Skylark.

    Comment by Erica — April 30, 2008 @ 10:44 pm

  3. Hey that was cool. Reminds me of my 62 caddy. I miss those old boats.

    Comment by hammer — April 30, 2008 @ 11:24 pm

  4. Hey, I used to read Car Craft! I love those cars, thanks for the movie!

    Comment by Mike R. — April 30, 2008 @ 11:37 pm

  5. Yep, I reckon we do just fine. Had a couple of different rods..one 53 Ford Ragtop that kept me in trouble and a 56 Ford Crown Vic that was the fastest vehicle on a flying mile I have yet to drive..long stroke 312 Thunderbird Y-8 engine would just keep winding up..

    Comment by GUYK — May 1, 2008 @ 8:24 pm

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