At this point, there is nothing I can write, whether intended to be funny or intended to be serious, that would change the mind of anyone who plans to vote for Barack _____ Obama. If you have chosen to vote that way, I figure that you are either: (a) an ivory tower type who actually thinks redistribution of wealth is a swell idea, (b) a person who feels the need to do something to prove to others and possibly to yourself that you lack racial animus, (c) a person who truly believes that Barack _____ Obama will deliver the eternally longed-for free lunch, or (d) a well meaning person who simply is not fully informed. If you fall into the (d) category I blame, to use Stanley Kurtz’s term, the “malfeasance†of the Mainstream Media. I believe that if you were properly informed, you would reconsider.
So, to those of you who believe in self-determination, capitalism, free-enterprise, a strong work ethic, private property, limited government, and the principle that everyone has a right to “pursue†happiness, please vote tomorrow.
For those of you who believe that government should provide for your every want or need from cradle to grave, please vote on Wednesday.
That is all.
I’m voting for a Democrat.
There are three Republicans and three Democrats running for the AZ Corporation Commission with three seats open. One of the Republicans has an NRA “F” rating (fucking RINO). The Democrap with a “D” rating will be getting one on my three votes.
Quote from Obama’s Grandmother that I just made up, “I’d rather die than see you lose this election”.
Comment by Mark — November 3, 2008 @ 11:16 pm
I’ve spoken with a few people who admit they have already voted or they intend to vote for Obama. When I ask them why, the most common answer I get is that it’s time for “change.” My response is usually something like this. “Maybe so, but the kind of change you want is not the kind of change you’re going to get. Be careful about what you ask for.”
Most everyone wants some sort of change, but is going from one extreme to the other going to be better or worse? That’s the question people need to ask themselves before they cast that vote.
I think when the honeymoon is over, the people are going to sober up and realize this guy is not the Messiah and they’ll say, “what in God’s name have we done to our country? And why?”
Comment by Dash — November 4, 2008 @ 11:04 am
Cuz cracked me up with her response to some Obama flunkey that came to the door. She asked why they backed Obama. They said it was time for “change”. She said “How can you want change with you don’t know nothin’ about shit?!”
(a new baby in the family puts our minds in the whole diaper thing)
Comment by Tammi — November 4, 2008 @ 11:50 am
I heard the Jersey polls were swamped this AM. All I could think about was that internal poll showing Jersey for McCain and imagine folks finally saying “Awrite. Thats farookin enuf!”
Comment by Mark Reardon — November 4, 2008 @ 1:03 pm
Unfortunately, Mr. McCain has shown some of the same socialist tendencies as Obama so it is hard for some to get exited. Romney would look real good today! I did manage to change the mind of seven people in NJ and get them to vote for JM. Another million or so and he will take NJ. I will keep calling people I know leaning the other way.
Comment by Joseph — November 4, 2008 @ 1:32 pm
Excellent post, Jim. I have voted – now we wait…
We shall see…
Comment by Richmond — November 4, 2008 @ 3:55 pm
As a well educated white male, who is fully informed with the issues of both sides. By this time tomorrow we will have a president, named Barack Hussein Obama, who will lead this country past the last eight years of dictator rule of Bush-Cheney.
Many people, including yourself Jim have fallen into the trap that this Obama is a man we must fear. The opposite is true, McCain and Palin are the ones we should fear. Their policies and lies are not what we need. A democratic presidency does not mean we will become a society that is comunist, socialist or marxist. It will be up to him to make us a country of centralists, bringing the ideas of the right and left together for what best works for middle america. Two words McCain cannot say.
Obama will lead us out of a pointless war (As someone said, There are no winners in war), provide a nation with better health care and begin to lead us away from the dependency on foriegn oil. Most of all will provide the regulation that is needed in this struggling economy.
All you Obama haters look past color, look past your extreme conservative views and ask yourself what would Obama need to lead this country in the right direction (LEAN TOWARDS THE CENTER). But there never is a party for the center, now is there!
Comment by David — November 4, 2008 @ 6:36 pm
…the last eight years of dictator rule of Bush-Cheney.
That’s some funny shit you must be smoking.
Comment by Mr. Bingley — November 5, 2008 @ 7:16 am
“…the last eight years of dictator rule of Bush-Cheney”.
In the words of the immortal Al Jolson, “you ain’t seen nothin’yet!”
We. are. screwed.
The American people have pulled the trigger and have mortally wounded the greatest republic the world has ever known. Her death will be quite rapid, I fear. We are entering a period of history I thought I would never witness in my lifetime. The United States Of America as we knew her, died on November 4th, 2008. Future generations will not know the country we once knew.
A man who has never worked a day in his life, a man who has no respect for the constitution is now the president elect. A Chicago marxist street thug with a paper-thin resume and no accomplishments managing to get himself elected to the presidency of the US.
Thank God, I and others who have served, still remember our oath of service…”to protect the Constitution from ALL enemies, foreign AND domestic”. We WILL be watching…..closely. And to the libtards who have elected him, you are no longer my fellow countrymen.
Comment by JerryK — November 5, 2008 @ 10:18 am
A friend at work just made an interesting observation. The election of BHO as President shows that this is not a racist nation, because a man of color can reach the highest office in the land. As a result, the purpose of race-based “affirmative action” programs has been achieved, and they can thus be ended.
Comment by Ken Adams — November 5, 2008 @ 10:50 am
Wellll, we got change. Now let’s see how that hope thing works out.
Comment by Mark Reardon — November 5, 2008 @ 11:33 am
Jim…I truly think I am going to be ill. Very, very bad shit is afoot.
Comment by Erica — November 5, 2008 @ 12:21 pm
Obama is not a “centrist,” nor does he have any more interest in “centrist” ideas than does, say, Bill Ayers or Reverend Wright. Denial. It’s what’s for breakfast.
Comment by dogette — November 5, 2008 @ 1:12 pm
Ill? I think I just vomitted in my mouth. Maybe we can all pack up our shit and move to Iceland? They could use our money and probably some conservatism right abot now.
Comment by FK — November 5, 2008 @ 1:55 pm
David: “As a well educated white male, who is fully informed with the issues of both sides.”
Wouldn’t that be “fully informed OF the issues of both sides?” What were you well-educated in? The goose-step?
“By this time tomorrow we will have a president, named Barack Hussein Obama, who will lead this country past the last eight years of dictator rule of Bush-Cheney.”
You sir, just keep losing your credibility with every word you type in.
“Many people, including yourself Jim have fallen into the trap that this Obama is a man we must fear.”
What an elitist you are! What trap? When you read and listen to the facts, the man is a socialist by his own words and actions. You sir, need to get your head out of the sand, stop “hoping” and look at the facts.
“The opposite is true, McCain and Palin are the ones we should fear. Their policies and lies are not what we need.”
Lies? Name ONE. Policies we don’t need? You mean, like the one about cutting spending? Mr. Obama has never once said he would cut spending. When you can’t afford to pay the bills, do you spend more on things you can’t pay for? Or do you cut back on spending? Hmm.
“A democratic presidency does not mean we will become a society that is comunist, socialist or marxist.”
No, you’re right. But we’re talking about a man who calls himself a Democrat, and then expresses his beliefs that we need to redistribute wealth; well that is a 100% socialist agenda.
“It will be up to him to make us a country of centralists, bringing the ideas of the right and left together for what best works for middle america. Two words McCain cannot say.”
Do you have any idea what you are talking about?
Centralism: Concentration of power and authority in a central organization, as in a political system. You’d probably be happy giving the Federal Government more power, wouldn’t you? Because, you know, the US Government is run by 100% sweet, innocent politicians who are only thinking of our well-being.
Well-educated, did you say?
“Obama will lead us out of a pointless war (As someone said, There are no winners in war), provide a nation with better health care and begin to lead us away from the dependency on foriegn oil.”
Clearly, you are insane. Nobody wants to keep our troops in the Middle East, it’s not exactly a friendly place. But Mr. Obama couldn’t bring them home any sooner than Mr. McCain would, unless you just wanted to waive the white flag and hope they don’t kick your ass on your way out.
Oh, and a President can’t spend any money without the approval of Congress. The same Congress that continues to approve funding of the war on terrorism. And what’s this “begin to lead us away…” — guess what, hey, I’m riding my bike now, I’ve begun to lead us away from dependency on foreign oil as well! Yippee! Hey, Mr. Well-Educated, did your spelling-checker get lost in some foriegn country?
“Most of all will provide the regulation that is needed in this struggling economy.”
Proof that you are an idiot. There were at least 6 attempts by both Bush and McCain to improve regulation on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Each time shot down, the last time by that fat retard Barney Frank, the man with two first names.
“All you Obama haters look past color, look past your extreme conservative views and ask yourself what would Obama need to lead this country in the right direction (LEAN TOWARDS THE CENTER). But there never is a party for the center, now is there!”
We’ve never mentioned color. You’re an elitist, a racist and an idiot by your own words.
The worst part about this is that Mr. Obama is going to find some way to take money away from me and give it to YOU.
Comment by Mike R. — November 6, 2008 @ 12:48 am
As one of the 56 million knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing, barely literate racists who voted against The One, because, after much consideration, we decided that he was not fit to be dog catcher, much less the president, I thank you for your enlightening lecture. I had no idea that all 56 million of us were so stooooooopid.
Comment by Jim - PRS — November 6, 2008 @ 1:20 am