March 2, 2004

Laptopping Again.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 7:50 am

I will be away on a business trip (to that other coast) for the next three days. Doing my part to prove beyond any doubt that learning does not take place, I will again be bringing the cursed laptop with me. Some of you may remember how well I did with the laptop the last time I took it on a trip, when I had hoped to do a bit of the remote blogging like some of the fancy schmancy bloggers do. If it works out the same way this time, you will not hear anything from Jimbo, the techno-doofus, until my return (this time with the infernal machine in pieces, I swear).

Then again, hope springs eternal.


  1. Morning Las Vegas Odds:

    Complete Laptop Failure 3-1

    Momentary Transmission/Ultimate Failure 5-1

    Alcohol Induced Failure/Order x-Rated Movie 9-2

    Childish Laptop Annihilation 15-1

    Laptop Stolen at San Francisco Airport by Militant Just-Married Rosie O’Donnell Impersonator 50-1

    Comment by cousin gary — March 2, 2004 @ 8:13 am

  2. [Scene: Interior, hotel room]

    [loud knocking on room door]

    Woman’s voice: “Housekeeping! Sir, are you all right? I call security!”

    Jim: “#%&$!!! laptop!”

    Woman’s Voice: “Sir! Are you all right in there?”

    Jim: “Telnet in! TCPIP! PCMCIA! Frumious bandersnatch! Bios! Bluescreen of death!”

    Woman’s Voice: “Sir, there’s no need to curse at me.”

    Comment by topdawg — March 2, 2004 @ 8:36 am

  3. I’ve got a half gallon of Kettle one that says it is coming back in pieces!!

    Comment by Mark — March 2, 2004 @ 1:27 pm

  4. It’s been a couple of days now. I’m guessing that the score stands at laptop 2, Jim 0.

    Comment by mtpolitics — March 4, 2004 @ 8:21 am

  5. Maybe you should just push the laptop under the bed and relax in the evening. Then, you’ll have loads of things to post when you return.

    On the other hand….reading about you and the dreaded laptop is always entertaining. 🙂

    Be prepared for a rough ride over the Midwest on your way home!

    Comment by Buffy — March 5, 2004 @ 11:08 am

  6. “Telnet in! TCPIP! PCMCIA! Frumious bandersnatch! Bios! Bluescreen of death!”

    I damn near exploded a lung laughing.

    Comment by Val Prieto — March 5, 2004 @ 2:52 pm

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