March 18, 2004

Bits and Pieces.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 10:38 pm

Velociman has a bit of a case of the ass with the Amish, and we all know that he does not take kindly to being overbilled, which is the kissin’ cousin to being shortchanged.

I don’t know about you, but I sure miss mtpolitics.

Eric, the Straight White Guy, is playing guitar with his friend tonight instead of blogging. Color me envious.

Topdawg is thinking of redecorating. I sort of like it the way it is. In any event, please no more mondo red.

Jen will remain a blonde, if she can find the time.

Wonkette reports on the campaign contributions made by various cast members of the “West Wing.” No surprises there.

Oh, yeah. I went to the dentist today. I need another crown, dammit.

That’s all, y’all.


  1. thanks, James… we had a good time… but, it was a bit hard to get to work this morning.. tooooo much Scotch, I’m afraid.. ahh well, at least it’s Friday….

    Comment by Eric — March 19, 2004 @ 10:02 am

  2. Hey, thanks for the link.

    Comment by jen — March 19, 2004 @ 5:04 pm

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