Cousin Jack.
I was saddened to read that Cousin Jack (we really are cousins) of Jack Bog’s Blog will be closing up shop on July 6th in order to spend more time concentrating on Life 101. As many of you know, Jack was the one who convinced me to take the plunge into the Blogosphere, and for that I will be forever grateful. Cousin Jack was the one in the family who, from the beginning, was scary smart, and he still is. However, if you are familiar with him, his work, or his writings, you didn’t need me to tell you that.
After completing college in New Jersey and becoming an instant success in the newspaper business, Jack headed west to Stanford Law School, and he made a wonderful life out there for himself. He gave up a lucrative partnership in a large, fancy schmancy law firm to become a law professor, where he is well respected and extremely popular among his students. I’m not even a little bit surprised about that, for Jack has a 14 carat gold sense of humor and a wit that cuts like a laser.
I hope he reconsiders, but if he does pack it in, I’m sure he will kick ass and take names at whatever he decides to do next for fun. In any event, he will always be welcome here to say whatever tickles his fancy.
Where in the GOT-dam hell is Jack Steele? Been OVER A YEAR…..
Comment by Larry — June 24, 2004 @ 12:40 pm