August 21, 2004

Out of the Woodwork.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 3:02 am

Dr. David Miller, who a couple days ago got his fifteen minutes of fame by claiming to be an ex-lover of Golan Cipel, yesterday was ordered by an Essex County Superior Court Judge to have his head examined.

It seems that, in addition to claiming to be Golan Cipel’s former lover, he also stated that he is a CIA operative, that he takes special pills to make his skin appear darker (thereby permitting infiltration of “unnamed groups”), and that his tenant in his home has al-Quaida connections and is planning to blow up the Essex County Courthouse and nearby Hall of Records.

He was charged with impersonating law officers and public officials, making a false public alarm and a false report to law enforcement.

The prosecutor stated that the charges “are not related to Golan Cipel.”

…and the beat goes on.


  1. As the pop group Was (Not Was) once put it, “Woodwork squeaks and out come the freaks…”

    Comment by Jack Bog — August 21, 2004 @ 5:38 am

  2. Don’t forget Miller’s weird claim — unchallenged by the New York Daily News — that he is a professor at Montclair State University. That esteemed institution offers no evidence of Miller’s status on its web site, and didn’t even a couple of days ago when the story broke. Blogged it here:

    Comment by Jack — August 21, 2004 @ 9:49 am

  3. To correct information (and I corrected this information on that blog given as a reference as well) that Dr. Miller is a professor at Montclair State University. I am a student (sophomore) in his Educational Psychology class and simply typing Miller in the staff/faculty/department field of Montclair’s “people search engine” will result in finding his name, campus phone, email address, and subject taught listed as fourth from the top. Just to set that record straight. 🙂

    Comment by Ralph — September 15, 2004 @ 11:13 pm

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