Jersey Pig, Jersey Pork.
The Jersey Pig
Behold my former State Assemblyman. (You’ll have to click the link, because if I describe what this jerk admitted doing, I would attract all sorts of sicko spam.) Swell guy.
Jersey Pork
Lautenberg, Menendez and Jersey Congresspeeps sure love those Jersey earmarks. The $159.8 million will gives the liars, crooks and thieves politicians an appetizer to nibble on while they wait for the main course, which is the boatload of stimulus money that will surely come their way.
A detailed list of the projects in New Jersey that will be funded by taxpayers in all fifty states is here (pdf). I know you non-Garden-Staters are thinking, “Holy crap! What about cranberries and blueberries? Nothing for them? What will become of the cranberries and blueberries?â€
Don’t panic; there is money in there ($451 thousand) for cranberry and blueberry research.
What a country.
One good thing about the current economic situation is that people are saving more. Of course, the government is spending instead of consumers.
Comment by Kevin — March 12, 2009 @ 7:28 pm
I don’t know if the ad set within the article changes from view to view, but when I went to the porny assemblyman article, the ad was exhorting parents to “share photos of their children.”
Nice placement.
Comment by LeeAnn — March 12, 2009 @ 8:15 pm
Just checked… it changes from view to view… I wish I’d gotten a screen shot!
Comment by LeeAnn — March 12, 2009 @ 8:16 pm
Don’t worry about him, Jimbo. I’ll bet when the incarcerees get hold of him, he’ll get what’s due him.
As for the rest… You’re looking at this all wrong. What you need to do is come up with something even vaguely catchy, and submit it as something that needs to be funded. Me, I’m thinking something along the line of “Investigations Regarding the Causality of Variations in Statistical Distributions of Additive Comestibles” — that is, why chocolate chips in ice cream tend to bunch up. I figure it should be good for a couple hundred grand, don’cha think?
Comment by Dave Merriman — March 12, 2009 @ 9:02 pm
I think Jersey must really BE like the mat of gungy hair over the drain hole of the US.
Comment by dogette — March 14, 2009 @ 9:48 am