March 16, 2009

By Any Other Name …

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 9:26 pm

I see where The One has decided that people captured on the battlefield trying to kill Americans should no longer be referred to as “enemy combatants.” I had thought about writing suggestions for other names we might give such persons (e.g. “people in need of an anger management program”), but many others have already covered this ground.

Instead, I thought about what other peeps might need to be renamed, given that names obviously matter. I could not help but focus on the democrat Congressmen and women and democrat Senators and the so-called republicans who were responsible for forty percent of the 9,000 pork-barrel earmarks in the most recent spending bill. For sure, they are all badly in need of renaming.

Right off the top of my cruller, here are a few suggestions:

1. Pus-filled ingrown asshole follicles.

2. Barnyard excrement.

3. Smegma, pure and simple.

4. Rat bastard Marxists.

5. Common criminals.

6. Washington dung.

7. Douchebag modickers.

8. Highly paid looters.

9. Blood-sucking pieces of shit.

10. Maggots.

11. Whale shit.

12. Gallows-worthy rats.

13. Komodo dragon puke.

14. Weeping carbuncles.

15. Shit stains.

16. Viscous turds.

17. Septic soup of the most brown.

18. Putrid bowel windage.

19. Crotch pheasants.

20. Armpit cheese.

I’m sure with a few more minutes I could think of a dozen more.


  1. Jimbo, Jimbo, Jimbo…

    All of your delightfully descriptive terms are expressed in a couple of words: politicians or Congress.

    Comment by Dave Merriman — March 16, 2009 @ 9:29 pm

  2. I can see where a few might be insulted…pus, excrement, smegma, bastards, criminals, dung, douchebags, looters, shit, maggots, rats, puke, carbuncles, turds, crotches, and armpits would all be offended at being compared to such assnuggets.

    Comment by LeeAnn — March 16, 2009 @ 9:41 pm

  3. “Crotch pheasants” gets my vote.

    Comment by Mr. Bingley — March 17, 2009 @ 6:16 am

  4. Congressional Crotch Rot Cravers

    Fermunder cheese connosieurs

    Summer Afternoon Dog Turd Sniffers

    Oh the fun we can have with this…….

    Comment by RobbieRob — March 17, 2009 @ 8:54 am

  5. Parasitic bowel-dwelling carrion.

    Comment by Mr. Bingley — March 17, 2009 @ 10:20 am

  6. How about Scum-sucking bottom feeders.

    Comment by Kevin — March 17, 2009 @ 11:07 am

  7. Assholes. F-in’ assholes. That’s what I call ’em. It’s all in the way you say it.

    Comment by dogette — March 17, 2009 @ 11:11 am

  8. I’m with Dogette on this one.

    Though I’d prefer to call them all, “deceased”. Yeah, that definitely works for me.

    Comment by Angie — March 17, 2009 @ 12:45 pm

  9. Jimbo, I’ve lost the ability to find the post “You Must Have Cheated” over here. Do you still have a copy of it?

    Comment by Carl Brannen — March 17, 2009 @ 4:27 pm

  10. Since what they are doing is nothing more than government sanctioned grand larceny, I think we should arrest ’em all and call them inmates.

    Comment by Dan O — March 18, 2009 @ 12:13 pm

  11. Vote them out at the next election.

    Comment by Kevin — March 18, 2009 @ 2:09 pm

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