April 5, 2009

Yield? Fuggedaboutit.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 2:12 pm


This is the probably the most violated law in New Jersey, with the exception of the laws against bribery and corruption.

I recall finding myself in Los Angeles twenty or so (gack!) years ago, and I was positively astounded by the courtesy of the city’s motorists all of whom stopped as I stood on the curb by a crosswalk and waited for me to cross. I smiled and waved thank-you to every one of them. A few days into the trip, one of the locals informed me that the drivers weren’t being nice; they were simply obeying the law.

In New Jersey, yield to pedestrians in a crosswalk? Ha! Don’t count on it. Any time you step into a street (without a traffic light) around here, you have to do the instamath:

How far is it to the other side”

Do I plan on running, walking briskly or strolling?

How far away is the nearest vehicle?

What is its estimated speed?

Where is the approximate “Death Zone” in the street?

Given the foregoing, can I make it across the “Death Zone?”

It is important to remember that when doing the instamath, you must assume that the oncoming vehicle’s speed will remain constant. Never, ever assume that the driver will slow down upon seeing you in the street. Staying out of the “Death Zone” is strictly up to the pedestrian.

As a result of the widespread violation of, or ignorance of the law and far too many people being turned into Road Pizza, some towns, such as mine, have taken to placing signs such as the one shown above in busy intersections. As you can see, the one above (photographed during today’s groundpound) has been taken down and deposited onto the sidewalk. ”We don’t need no steeeenkin’ signs.”

Life in the Garden State: Adventureland.


  1. I’m not a “mean” driver, but have found I’m having a lot of trouble with that California “don’t hit ’em when they walk” law. Especially since most folks take their sweet time crossing. I had a lady the other day take the whole damned light! For just a moment, just one sweet moment in time, I wished I were back in Chicago…….

    Comment by Tammi — April 5, 2009 @ 2:17 pm

  2. Tammi, look out for the crossing guard old ladies, they don’t hesitate to swat your car with their sign if you even look like you’re thinking about going.
    I did NOTHING more than put on my blinker for the upcoming soon-as-they-get-outta-my-way right turn, and the old bat hit my car with her sign. I opened up my window prepared to yell at her, and she screamed something at me… I dunno what, I only speak English.
    It was like something out of David Lynch’s wet dreams.

    Comment by LeeAnn (babywolf version) — April 5, 2009 @ 3:07 pm

  3. New Jersey cares about its pedestrians even if its drivers do not.

    Comment by Kevin — April 5, 2009 @ 4:24 pm

  4. New Jersey should care more about its taxpayers.

    Comment by Kevin — April 5, 2009 @ 4:24 pm

  5. In general, traffic laws are enforced so as to give the more rare participants extra advantages. In places with lots of pedestrians, cars get right of way. Places where nobody walks like in LA, the pedestrians get the right of way.

    Comment by Carl Brannen — April 5, 2009 @ 6:24 pm

  6. Whoa I hadn’t heard that Missing Persons song since it came out. I actually owned the vinyl. “Mom, what’s vinyl?” AW SHADDAP, kid.

    Comment by dogette — April 5, 2009 @ 7:21 pm

  7. I remember when I lived in NH and was in Concord to go shopping. They have pedestrian crosswalks on every corner and in the middle of every block. The drivers had better stop or they will repeat WILL get a ticket and it is an expensive one with points. And the cops are sitting there ready to give the ticket.

    Comment by dick — April 5, 2009 @ 8:53 pm

  8. You’re right dick, I was astounded in Manchester and Concord, NH how the drivers would stop if you even looked like you were going to step off the curb. Felt like I was in a very strange, courteous, foreign land.

    Comment by Ernie Nilsen — April 5, 2009 @ 11:32 pm

  9. I was taught “pedestrians in the crosswalk have the right-of-way” here in Ohio. Standing on the curb isn’t in the crosswalk. Although, under certain circumstances, I’ve been known to motion them across.

    What I remember about driving in Joisey is the ‘turn right to go left’ intersections. Never have seen that anywhere else.

    Comment by Dan O — April 6, 2009 @ 7:22 am

  10. I remember when I first moved out here to CA and being AMAZED that cars stopped for you when you were at a cross walk.
    In Detroit you get points for how many people you can hit.

    Comment by Maeve — April 6, 2009 @ 11:54 pm

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