Form 1040 and the RNC Call.
I am sorely pissed.
I had my tax return prepared yesterday, and, as usual, I will be writing a sizeable check to the United States Treasury, the proceeds of which will immediately be sucked into the gaping federal rat hole created by the rogues in Washington.
While still fuming over the amount of tribute I am forced to pay to the government, I received a call from a young fellow from the Republican National Committee who asked me whether I would be “renewing†my membership (i.e. sending money) in the Republican Party.
The guy picked a bad night to call.
I began by saying that he sounded like a perfectly fine guy, but that I would consider “renewing†my membership when I see more Republicans in Washington develop “something resembling a spine and vocally oppose the crap that is going on in Washington now.†I stated that they could set an example by not seeking earmarks and voting against any other legislator’s earmarks. I added that they should all re-read the Constitution (assuming they’ve ever read it in the first place) and legislate accordingly.
After a pause (The guy’s surely was figuring, “Damn, I caught the nutbar.”), the fellow dutifully continued reading his script, which consisted of a litany of broad conservative principles. I interrputed his speech, noting that I already know the conservative principles and that I would “renew†my membership (i.e. send money) when I see Republicans actually acting on those principles.
I thanked him for his call. After all, it’s not his fault that the Democrats are dismantling the country and the Republicans are just standing around and watching it happen.
When they read a script to me I hang up on them.
I’ve been a member of the RNC since 84
Not anymore.
Comment by hammer — April 9, 2009 @ 8:39 pm
Nope. The GOP has been dead since the election. Since before.
Comment by Joan of Argghh! — April 9, 2009 @ 9:12 pm
It’s like the wise man said… I wouldn’t want to be the member of anything that would have me.
Yeah, paraphased but I’m working with Mr. Firefly here.
Comment by LeeAnn (babywolf version) — April 9, 2009 @ 11:08 pm
I am a long time member of the RNC….
Do not know for how long…..Got a phone call requesting support for Arlen Sphincter from some dewy eyed dipshit who stated his conservative values were needed in Washington. I think the caller now consider`s himself very lucky to not have made a door to door plea for support as I would have thrown him out into the street.
Comment by dudley1 — April 10, 2009 @ 10:21 am
I have printed out the online form for changing party affiliation to “none” (from registered Republican, which I’ve always been), but for some reason I can’t make myself send it in.
Comment by dogette — April 10, 2009 @ 12:09 pm
You could always join the Democratic Party. I am sure they would welcome you with open arms.
Comment by Kevin — April 10, 2009 @ 2:21 pm
Dogette, don’t feel so bad — I went through the impossible process of attempting to change my party last year from Democrat (which I chose because I registered as what my parents were and obviously didn’t know any better) to Republican, only to be sent back some bullshit, twice, telling me that I am still a Democrat. I feel so dirty.
Comment by Erica — April 10, 2009 @ 4:38 pm
Have been getting numerous calls from the RNC lately, too, according to my caller ID. Haven’t answered, as I would feel sorry for the poor schlub on the other end as I vent my spleen. May have to take some anger management classes first.
Comment by Ernie Nilsen — April 10, 2009 @ 10:42 pm
I didn’t leave the GOP….it left me!
Comment by GUYK — April 13, 2009 @ 9:38 pm
Hi, I actually work for the company that makes the vast majority of calls for the rnc, nrcc, nrsc, and nra. I would first like to apologize, the majority of the people who do this work are college kids just looking to make a buck, and unfortunately this is the best paying job around campus. The company is Strategic Fundraising inc. To get off their lists, ask first if it is strategic fundraising, then ask to be removed from strategic’s list, they will give you a line about not being able to help causes, blah blah. Just say yes and you will cut down calls a ton. Hope this helps!
Comment by ryan — April 21, 2009 @ 11:04 am