New Jersey Primary.
Jersey is holding its primary elections today. In the Democrat Primary, Jon Corzine, our illustrious ueberliberal, super rich, failed Goldman Sachs executive, weenie, spendocrat governor is running against three people who have about as much chance of getting the nomination as I do of getting hit in the head with a piece of space junk while walking down the street carrying a can of plaid paint in my back pocket.
The candidates in the Republican Primary are Chris Christie, a former federal prosecutor with an admirable record of getting convictions of corrupt Jersey politicians (of both parties), which is a very good thing. He is opposed by Steve Lonegan (LON-i-gan), the former Mayor of the town of Bogota (Bah-GO-tah).
Being one of the ten or twelve Republicans in my town (It sure seems that way), I had to pick between Christie and Lonegan, either of whom would be preferable to the current sorry ass. Both make lower tax and “clean up Trenton†promises, and the extent to which either of them can accomplish that, if elected, is a crapshoot. Christie, as noted, was a wonderful prosecutor, but he lacks executive experience. Lonegan, by contrast, was a three-term mayor.
Lonegan is clearly the more conservative of the two, and the conventional wisdom is that Christie has a better chance of beating Corzine and the democrat machine in the general election. So, as was the case in November, I had to choose between the candidate I prefer (Lonegan) and the candidate who is more likely to beat the democrat in November (Christie).
Ultimately, I came down on the side of Lonegan. Lonegan is more the anti-Trenton renegade, while Christie enjoys the backing of the political establishment. Given that my view is that every incumbent politician (both parties) in Trenton should be voted out of office (They’re all part of the problem), I went for the stronger anti-Trenton, more conservative candidate. I’m tired of voting for the guy who is “more likely to win in November” over a candidate I prefer, because that approach ultimately begat The One.
If Lonegan wins, fine. Let’s see in November how sick of the Trenton Political Swamp the voters in the state really are. If Christie wins, that’s fine too, because he will be infinitely better than the jackass currently in office.
Even if Lonegan loses, I hope he draws a big enough vote to push Christie further to the right and to get the attention of the democrat swine in Trenton who act as if they govern by Divine Right.
No matter who wins, I guarantee the November election will be ugly.
Amazing how close your logic is to my own… did you steal my brain?
Comment by Ken Adams — June 2, 2009 @ 6:04 pm
I have to agree with you, Jimbo. It is the lesser of two evils thing. I rolled the dice on the third choice, just in case there was some sort of great awakening voter renaissance taking place, but, I’m sure, it was to no avail.
Mrs. SOG and I had an interesting voting experience in our wonderful District 13 today, stroll on over and have a read if you get a minute.
Comment by gregor — June 2, 2009 @ 8:01 pm
Perhaps this will be the year when the voters decide to clean house and vote out all incumbents.
Comment by Kevin — June 2, 2009 @ 8:27 pm
New Jersey has had Republican governors. What about Christie Todd Whitman? I understand she was an outstanding governor.
Comment by Kevin — June 2, 2009 @ 8:35 pm
I wish we had your dilemna here in Pennsylvania……We are all sharpening our axes & knive`s to carve up the carcass of our resident Bozo “Arlen Sphincter” hoping to finally be rid of his sorry traitorous ass, but will we succeed in replacing him with a Republican? That is the question. Even if we end up with a Democrat, it will be a decided improvement.
Pennsylvania has too many welfare based Democratic faithful to expect common sense to prevail.
Comment by dudley1 — June 2, 2009 @ 8:55 pm
I did the same as you. I pulled the lever for Lonegan. I think Christie is conservative, he’s not Christie Whitman or Collin Powell. I don’t like the way he treated Lonegan, but that’s politics.
My wife also came down on the Lonegan side, so just from the comments on this blog we’ve identified alot of Lonegan’s votes!
Comment by roberto — June 2, 2009 @ 9:00 pm
Christie Todd Witman, a classic RINO.
Comment by Jim — June 2, 2009 @ 9:01 pm
[…] at Parkway Rest Stop was like me, undecided, and he also went the Lonegan route. As did Ken Adams. Great minds think […]
Pingback by DynamoBuzz » Blog Archive » New Jersey Primary Results as of 9:10PM — June 2, 2009 @ 9:09 pm
Republicans need to wise up and start nominating moderate, sensible candidates who can appeal to voters in the middle of the political spectrum. Most voters just want sensible candidates. Party does not matter.
Comment by Kevin — June 2, 2009 @ 9:29 pm
Well, I see tonight that Christie won. I hope in the end he can oust Corzine. You’re right though, it will be ugly. It always is. *sigh*
Comment by Teresa — June 3, 2009 @ 12:36 am
Corzine will probably win due to:
Democrats pushing through the legislature a bill to allow by mail voting. So dogs, cats, Illegals and fish will be allowed to vote. Democratic no doubt.
Comment by wildman — June 3, 2009 @ 1:54 pm
Most voters just want sensible candidates. Party does not matter.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Obviously, Kevin, you’re NOT living in NJ, much less the real world. To dumbocrats, it’s party, party, party over everything else. Why should we conservatives want to become democrat light? (McCain did REAL well with THAT philosophy, didn’t he?). Why don’t democrats become republican light? NJ politics are controlled by the urban centers and the public service unions, including the teachers union, the largest contributor to democratic candidates. Nothing will ever change here.
Comment by JerryK — June 3, 2009 @ 2:58 pm
I watched a new report on Fox yesterday that basically said whoever won this primary will win the office as Jon Corzine is not so damned popular anymore.
Comment by Mark — June 3, 2009 @ 3:08 pm