Jon Bon Jovi: Too Busy.
Last night, New Jersey resident Jon Bon Jovi managed to fit into his schedule a fundraiser concert for our gazillionaire governor Jon *spit* Corzine. Last year, he hosted a fundraising dinner at his home for The One, as he did for John Kerry in 2004. He has also managed to find time to play a concert to help Hillary retire some of her campaign debt.
Unfortunately, his schedule didn’t permit him to squeeze in a bit of time to play at a parade and celebration to be held in Trenton to welcome home 2,900 of New Jersey’s National Guard soldiers returning from Iraq.
What a swell guy.
Thanks to Kate for the tip and the link. Check out Kate’s article in NJ.Com.
That’s kinda weird. I just now was watching a video of Triumph the Insult Comic Dog taking a big poop on Bon Jovi. So deserving.
Comment by Joan of Argghh! — June 5, 2009 @ 9:50 pm
He’s an over-rated, washed-up and overrated dolt.
Comment by Lee — June 6, 2009 @ 1:31 am
cant you give the guy a break? he is very busy at the minute and is there no other band in the usa that can perform? answer to that…no! because bon jovi are the best! they (bon jovi) are extremly busy recording and what not and pleasing the fans, if your that bothered then you should of got someone else to perform. leave bon jovi alone
Comment by tracy — June 6, 2009 @ 6:54 am
Yeah, Jimbo. Leave Jon Bon Jovi alone! Poor guy.
Comment by Craig — June 6, 2009 @ 10:16 am
Give him a break my ass. He’s just another liberal ASSHOLE
Comment by chef of da future — June 6, 2009 @ 10:18 am
Tracy, my poor misguided fan. Trust me when I say, Jon is not going to look on Parkway Rest Stop, see your kool-aid quaffing and reward with you an evening of rapture. Ain’t gonna happen sister. No I think what happened was that if Jon thought there were Democrat votes in there he would have showed up for his friends in the Democrat Party.
Oh and one other thing….You can NOT possibly tell me Corzine is a real Bon Jovi fan. You ask him what his fave album is and he will tell you Born To Run.
Comment by RobbieRob — June 6, 2009 @ 6:40 pm
Wow @ Tracy…I am completely flabbergasted by your comment and am further reminded of the scene from “A Bronx Tale” when Chazz Palmintieri told the kid, who idolized Mickey Mantle, that Mickey Mantle wouldn’t pay his parent’s rent.
Jon Bon Jovi is not going to pay your rent, but all these troops lay down their lives in defense of liberty, and in defense of your freedom to say silliness like that, and we should “give the guy a break?”
A friend of mine, who also read this post and that comment, adds his $0.02:
Dear Shallow Scumbag,
Perhaps you would feel differently when Muslim clerics come saw your head off and the troops are too busy listening to Bon Jovi to come save you. I know that wouldn’t matter to you because your head is obviously irrelevant to your thought process.
Yours truly,
Average Citizen Insulted Beyond Belief By Your Stupidity (ACIBBBYS)
Comment by Erica — June 7, 2009 @ 1:49 pm
To Tracy and anyone else who shares her ridiculous view of the world – I agree 100% with ACIBBBYS! I cannot stand the way people completely disregard the fact that our soldiers are out there, laying THEIR lives on the line, just so you can act like a stupid foolish asshole – and you don’t even have the decency to say “thank you”. Our citizens are sometimes so apalling to me – so selfish and rude! Get over yourselves and have the decency to respect those who fight for YOUR lives!
Comment by Judy — June 9, 2009 @ 8:28 am
I love Bonjovi with all my heart but to refuse such a little time for our men and women who lay their lifes on the line everday is so sad. I hope he’ll think before he says no next time. My nephew was over there for 13 months and i would hope somebody would give a few minutes for him. Learn from this mistake Jon
Comment by chris — June 9, 2009 @ 6:18 pm
leave the guy alone the charity work he does is great you can’t be at every event.In England the men and women are lucky to get a round of applause when they come home.
Comment by steve — June 13, 2009 @ 5:22 pm
What is wrong with you people??? Did you stop to think that maybe Jon Bon Jovi’s schedule did not permit it? Or maybe he’s been non-stop and needed a break. Or maybe, just maybe, the little time that he does have he wanted to spend with his wife and kids. Do you realize how much charity work he does? WHAT DO YOU DO?? And just because you don’t like the candidate he supports doesn’t mean you should trash him, you don’t like who’s in office then vote.
This is for reply #7 and ACIBBBYS or Erica. REALLY!! The band is not disregarding the soldiers or disrespecting them. You’re way out there to the far right……. What are you talking about Jon is not going to pay your rent but the soldiers are going to lay down their lives??
“Perhaps you would feel differently when Muslim clerics come saw your head off and the troops are listening to Bon Jovi” What are you talking about? So you don’t listen to music and if you do this is what will happen? What’s wrong with liking or loving a musician and being proud of what they’re doing to help people? Does everything have to revolve around violence?
I think everyone is nuts!! What makes you think that Bon Jovi does not respect those who fight for us and protect us. Did he say that??
We’re spending millions on a war that is not ours and we still have not found Osama bin Laden. Do you really think that this war is going to stop the terrorist from getting into America and doing what they want to do? They’re going to keep coming as long as we as a country have the political views that we have. Bon Jovi has nothing to do with that.
I love Bon Jovi. But I also love Bruce Springsteen, Aerosmith, Pink, Amy Winehouse, Carrie Underwood, Randy Travis, and the list goes on. Does that mean that every singer and actor should have been there to see the troops come home? Did you trash them to?
Who are you to say Bon Jovi doesn’t support the troops. Small minded
You can trash talk about me all you want, I’m still going to blast Bon Jovi music and support the troops. By the way, I was having major surgery when the troops from my area came home. I was not able to be there does that make me a bad person? Maybe I should have rescheduled the surgery……
Comment by Kathy — June 18, 2009 @ 1:32 am
I find that in these arguments, there is always a crucial fact omitted…whether purposefully or not, I am not sure which one is more scary.
Jon Bon Jovi cleared his schedule numerous times in the past to allow for his being able to perform for partisan causes (as Hairboy said): “…a fundraising dinner at his home for The One…for John Kerry in 2004…[and] a concert to help Hillary retire some of her campaign debt.â€
The simple and perfectly understandable question is, for all his fundraising, why did he choose to perform “a fundraiser concert for…gazillionaire governor Jon *spit* Corzine…†but not the Troops? Why couldn’t he extend the same courtesy for those who defend our country? Why be partisan?
I am merely suggesting that his actions speak louder than words. Who am I, you ask “to say Bon Jovi doesn’t support the troops. [sic] Small minded…â€
Indeed, that may be, but I’m also right.
Comment by Erica — June 28, 2009 @ 3:50 pm
Bon Jovi definitely rocks, the best rock and roll band in the planet*’*
Comment by Abbie Hunt — June 11, 2010 @ 12:19 am