Significant and Otherwise.
1. I don’t know about you, but I damned near shit a pickle when I learned that the Senate Finance Committee (Yes, that would be the United States Senate) voted to pass “legislation†that was presented to them, not as a proposed federal statute, but rather in the form of a conceptual CliffsNotes summary, written by Christ Knows Who. Peeps, you can change one word or even a comma in a statute and change everything. The “legislation†they voted on would result in the control of more than twenty percent of the economy. The saddest thing is that lawyers and judges regularly and earnestly speak of “congressional wisdom†when analyzing the minutia of any given federal statute. It seems that every morning brings yet a brand new WTF moment.
2. In the New Jersey Governor’s race, the democrats have released negative ads focusing on Republican challenger’s Chris Christie’s weight. This tactic was apparently based upon a focus group that determined that when “average†New Jersey voters were asked what one word comes to mind when they hear the name “Chris Christie,†they responded, “Fat.†Of course, this speaks ill of the New Jersey Democrat Party, but, in my view, it says more about the quantity of working grey matter of the “average†the New Jersey voter. And we wonder why the people in this state continue to elect such loathsome septic tank sludge.
3. Speaking of sludge, Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann come to mind.
4. A few good things: Diet Dr. Pepper, Coke Zero, Mythbusters, Teflon, progressive lenses, orthotics and peeps who pick up after their dogs.
5. A few bad things: Red Bull (bleccch!), head cheese (double bleccch!), alligators, clowns, New York drivers on New Jersey highways, telemarketers, credit card offers, things stuffed into magazines that screw up turning the pages, and low-density cholesterol.
6. I wonder if the first asshole who decided to wear his baseball cap sideways realizes that he is emulating Rootie Kazootie.
7. I wonder why any sane person would take up blogging.
That is all.
1. It’s becoming more and more apparent that Congress really does represent the majority of American citizens.
2. Better thee, than me. 🙂
3. Let’s add my very own Senator Max Baucus.
4. Bacon!
5. That Olestra synthetic cooking-oil stuff. Let’s feed all the bad stuff to the gators, then kill the gators.
6. Probably matching IQs, too.
7. …
Comment by Dave Merriman — October 14, 2009 @ 9:45 pm
#7, Good thing we ain’t sane, eh?
Comment by Jerry in Indiana — October 14, 2009 @ 10:40 pm
I have a monstrous crush on Chris Christie. I don’t get how anyone — man, woman, beast, or New Jerseyan — was not in the very least turned on when he announced that he was dragging Sharpe James’ lying, cheating, stealing, smarmy, crummy hide off to jail. That was a grand moment. I wished, for just five minutes, I could have temporary residence in the GAH-den State, just so I could vote for him.
Also…and I mean this with love: Everytime you say shit about New York Drivers, I want to kick your ass, which I know is so wrong given the disparity in our ages. New Jersey peeps barely know how to operate a lever in a voting booth, but somehow they’re experts behind the wheel of a car?
Bwahahahahahaha……I think we should arm wrassle over it. You win, I buy you a cocktail, and won’t give you shit about what a polluted hellhole you live in for six months. I win, which I will, and you will have to extend the same courtesy. Whaddaya say, Hairboy?
We could put it on YouTube if you want.
Comment by Erica — October 14, 2009 @ 10:42 pm
Coke Zero — yeah!
I rip all the cardboardy crap out of mags as soon as I get them, and I toss the loose shit out too. Sort of an OCD thing.
Comment by dogette — October 15, 2009 @ 12:23 am
Congressional wisdom? Isn’t that an oxymoron?
Comment by Da Goddess — October 15, 2009 @ 1:28 am
I love Coke Zero.
*sane* wasn’t on the application.
Comment by Jean — October 15, 2009 @ 7:17 am
Erica, we loves ya dear, but WTF is up with Nu Yawk voters when it comes to senators? Can’t you guys find a Nu Yawker instead of out of state carpetbaggers?? Geez. And that Schumer guy. Oy! Most dangerous place to be is between Schumer and a microphone….or camera.
Oh, the crappy Joisey drivers? Transplanted Nu Yawkers. More than likely from Brokeland. Seeing trees for the first time. 😉
Comment by JerseyJerry — October 15, 2009 @ 9:42 pm
JerseyJerry…we effed up on two senators (and a horny governor)…what’s your excuse for every single elected official in your state? They all suck elephant balls!!
But…regardless…I love you, too. 🙂
Comment by Erica — October 16, 2009 @ 6:35 am
“…what’s your excuse for every single elected official in your state?”
Transplanted braindead Noooooo Yawkers. Libtards from Long Island and Brokeland. Over the last 35 years we’ve been inundated with them. MAKE IT STOP!! CLOSE THE BRIDGES AND TUNNELS!! 🙂
When NooooYawkers first began their migration to Joisey, they stood out like a sore dic*, er, thumb, especially with their (none)driving abilities. I mean, c’mon, most of them have never had to drive over 25MPH before. Now, that they’ve changed our once great state into the hell hole they’ve escaped from, they’re mistaken for native Joiseyans. AND, to make matters woist, they’ve reproduced(!) creating little hybrid Nooo Yawkers!! Aaaarrghhhhhh!!! 🙂 We’re doomed! Dooshbaggery to the 10th degree! Meh.
Comment by JerseyJerry — October 16, 2009 @ 12:36 pm
Oh, Erica, on a side note….I miss your blog updates! One of the first blogs I’d check every morning over coffee. Hope all is well.
Comment by JerseyJerry — October 16, 2009 @ 12:39 pm