Road Kill?
I saw this sign in the window of a local eatery during my groundpound this morning.
I got to thinking, Hmmm … seven bucks … the price is nice.
Rice: Cool, I like rice. What’s not to like?”
Beans: Excellent. I like all kinds of beans. In fact, I can’t think of a bean I don’t like.
Fries: Not good for the waistline, and rice is already part of the deal, so fries are a bonus.
Salad: Terrific. I wonder if I could get a Ceaser’s?
Meat: “Meat?” WTF? “Meat?” That covers a wide variety of animal flesh — everything from road kill to Wagyu beef. Given the price, I’m thinking that it’s probably closer on the “meat” spectrum to road kill.
I think I’ll pass.
Update: I forgot to include this as one possibility on the “meat” spectrum.
Swiped from SondraK.
I’d be backing up on that as well.
Comment by Yabu — October 30, 2009 @ 7:47 pm
Road Kill Cafe? “From your grill to ours”?
Comment by Dave Merriman — October 30, 2009 @ 9:10 pm
Dude, I’ve just started reading a fascinating history of vegetarianism from the 1600s to present day, Bloodless Revolution. I am learning amazing things in each chapter. Almost as amazing a book as Wages of Destruction, about the Nazi economy before and during the war.
In the 1600s the extreme Christians were in favor of vegetarianism because Adam didn’t eat meat. Even after the fall, apparently if you read your Bible closely, they didn’t eat meat until after Noah and the flood.
And the description of the guys who pushed vegetarianism during the 1600s read like the 1960s, i.e. obnoxious loud mouths, nudity, free love, denial of the usual understanding of God, etc. This all happened during the English civil wars.
They were also against alcohol and claimed that “wine” in the Bible really means grape juice. This is where all the modern healthy eating crap comes from. They were the origin of the Quakers.
Comment by Carl Brannen — November 2, 2009 @ 7:34 pm