October 28, 2010

Operation Fight the Post Holiday Blues.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 2:30 pm

Many of us are familiar with and may even have experienced the blues that often follow the holiday season. The post-holiday season blues are even more acute for wounded and otherwise hospitalized veterans. Recognizing that attention is lavished on hospitalized vets between Thanksgiving and Christmas only to evaporate after Christmas, two excellent non-profit organizations, Cooking with the Troops and Pin-Ups for Vets, have decided to team up to brighten the spirits of hospitalized vets and caregivers after the holidays are over.

Cooking with the Troops is an organization that brings its culinary mastery to the troops in the form of special meals, often prepared by guest chefs. Gina Elise, who founded Pin-Ups for Vets, raises money for hospitalized vets by selling calendars in which she re-creates nostalgic WWII pin-ups. She also gives the calendars to hospitalized vets and sends them to deployed military personnel.

Cooking With Troops and Pin-Ups for Vets plan to prepare special meals and make visits to hospitalized vets in January. They need your help to fund Operation Fight the Post Holiday Blues. The details of Operation Fight the Post Holiday Blues are HERE.

I made a donation. It would be great if you could help out.

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