November 30, 2010

Journalism 101 … or Something.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 2:48 am

We still receive copies of the local newspaper that is published in the town where the House by the Parkway (North) is located. I took a look at it today and this was the banner headline:


Directly under the headline and the accompanying story was a black box containing the following headline:


We don’t have many murders in town, so and those we do have are a very big deal. This particular one was quite awful. The victim, a 54-year old woman, was murdered in her home and discovered by her parents, both in their nineties.

Perhaps the editor was absent from journalism class on the day when the subject was the juxtaposition of headlines.


  1. Pot calling the kettle black

    Comment by Catfish — November 30, 2010 @ 8:41 am

  2. That was a pretty big story…it made the local news here. And I will also add, sadly from experience, that most — not all — editors are incompetent dumbasses. I could tell you horror stories from my last three and a half months at the paper that would make your hair do things that it had never done before.

    Comment by Erica — November 30, 2010 @ 11:10 am

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