Earth Day.
Yo, Jimbo, what are you planning for Earth Day?
Glad you asked.
Today, I will make a point of exhaling CO2 (an EPA-classified pollutant) on a plant. It needs it to live.
The plant will return the favor by creating oxygen (which the EPA has not yet classified as a pollutant), and which is something I need to live.
Works out pretty well, I’d say.
In addition, I plan on turning on lots and lots of incandescent light bulbs and longing for the day when Al Gore will be some inmate’s bitch.
I think we should take the mercury from the new bulbs and make cocktails for all the progressives to have with their celery and carrots.Bottoms up!
Comment by john — April 22, 2011 @ 10:23 pm
I don’t like plants. They keep taking my carbon dioxide before I’m through using it.
Comment by Permatourist — April 23, 2011 @ 9:14 am