Seriously Important Factoid.
Question: What is the most widely-eaten fruit in America?
Answer: The banana.
OK, I know you’re thinking, Yo, Jimbo. That ain’t real clear. Are we talking gross tonnage consumed, or pounds per person, or units of fruit per person?
My response: Don’t break my stindeens. My source is impeccable. I read this on the inside of a Diet Snapple Ice Tea bottle cap. For you Diet Snapple bottle cap purists, it is “Real Fact #837.” Relax. Eat a farookin’ banana.
This reminds me of the pictures H brought back from the last time he was deployed in the Navy and they went to Phuket, Thailand, and there was this bar girl who could peel a banana with… uh…. well, she could play pattycake while she did it.
Bananas are universal.
Comment by LeeAnn — April 27, 2011 @ 8:20 am
The jokers at the Diet Snapple “Fact” Office are enjoying a hearty laugh at your expense. No one has ever taken them seriously up ’til now.
Comment by ernie nilsen — April 27, 2011 @ 7:31 pm
and this is important because Banana is an extension of
NIMBY Not In My Backyard
BANANA Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anything
Speaks to Windmills Solar Farms Oil Drilling etc
Comment by Dan Kauffman — April 28, 2011 @ 8:05 pm