67 Years Ago.
A date that should never be forgotten.
A seventeen-year old who was there on that day would be 84 years old today. If you are fortunate enough to know a person who participated in the invasion, take the time to get his story and write it down before time runs out. History demands it.
Thank you for posting this – we must never forget!
Comment by Mary — June 6, 2011 @ 10:57 pm
Thanks, Jimbo. Remembering Reagan’s excellent commemorative speech at Normandy on 6/6/1984.
Comment by Lee — June 6, 2011 @ 11:11 pm
Every year that passes leaves fewer veterans living to pay homage to &…….With far fewer descendents alive who should remember with humility & thankfulness which even bother to give a thought for the ultimate sacrifice of those who fell in battle to preserve this nation & freedom people take for granted.
I weep for those who died, those who never were able to fulfill what they could have been in life.I weep for my country which sadly today faces many challenges the new generation seems ill-equipped to handle.
As for me , I will not forget but then I identify more with the greatest generation though I was but a child during its contributions then I do with the now selfish me me me generation.
Comment by dudley1 — June 8, 2011 @ 11:20 am