Congress and Dim Bulbs.
PRS Operatives managed to catch up with New Jersey “Republican†Congressman Scott Garrett on his way to work.
Congressman Garrett, PRS here. Do you have time for a question or two?
I suppose so, but I am, as I’m sure you know, very busy with important things.
OK, I’ll get right to it. Could you explain to me the reason why you joined with nine other Republican congressmen to vote against the rescinding the ban on the sale of incandescent light bulbs, thereby forcing Americans to light their homes with those compact fluorescent things?
I don’t see a problem with the ban. There is nothing wrong with compact fluorescent light bulbs.
Did you consider that compact fluorescent bulbs don’t come on instantly when cold, that they cause seizures in some people and that they produce sterile light, which many people simply do not like?
Well, they are better for the environment.
Did you consider that they contain mercury, which means that they require special disposal procedures and that when dropped, they can’t be simply swept up and put in the trash, but rather require Hazmat-type procedures to clean up the broken bulb?
Yes, I’m aware of all those things, but I still think that the law banning old-fashioned light bulbs is a good idea.
Do all the light fixtures in your home contain exclusively compact fluorescent light bulbs?
I don’t think the type of light bulbs I use in my home is any of your business.
Jimbo strikes again!
You deserve that perfect hair!
Comment by Charlie — December 4, 2011 @ 4:41 pm
As dear Rachel Lucas used to say: “Asshat!”
Comment by Mr. Bingley — December 4, 2011 @ 5:41 pm
Congress and Dim Bulbs – isn’t that redundant?
Comment by CenTexTim — December 4, 2011 @ 8:26 pm
This is very surprising .Garrett usually is on the right side of the issues .I don’t know why he lined up with the enviro screwballs who are running the country now.
Comment by john — December 4, 2011 @ 11:52 pm
Cretins, all of them!
Comment by Lee — December 5, 2011 @ 12:18 am
It amazes me how we keep electing idiots to congress and the Presidency. Are they that way when elected or is there something in the D.C. water that does it to them????
Namcye Nurse
Comment by NANCYE NURSE — December 5, 2011 @ 12:17 pm
There is one squiggly light bulb currently in use in my bathroom. By the time the thing actually lights up in there, I’m already done doing my biz.
Comment by Erica — December 5, 2011 @ 5:28 pm
Aren’t the Moose Slime offended by the pig tail shaped bulbs?
Comment by Dapandico — December 5, 2011 @ 6:53 pm