January 13, 2012

Easy Money.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 7:25 pm

The One has again asked Congress to increase the debt ceiling – this time by an additional $1.2 trillion. The previous debt ceiling of $15.2 trillion was exceeded nine days ago.

Clearly the administration’s incurring all this debt is “unpatriotic.” Those are his words, not mine.

I guess when it comes to vote-buying money, there’s just never enough.

He makes me sick.


  1. Sorry to use the “F Bomb” here…but I am so FUCKING sick of this asshole I could absolutely spit! I asked my wife tonight where the hell is all the outrage against this imbecile’s arrogant reach beyond our Constitution by appointing his dolts to the NLRB positions? I don’t know what the hell they are doing up there on Capital Hill…waxing the weasel or sleeping on the job. Jesus H. Christ! What the hell is going on in this country of ours? AND, the slate of GOP contenders are a bunch of doddering and bumbling fools who couldn’t articulate one damn conservative idea if there life depended on it. Sick of all the damn stupidity!

    Comment by Lee — January 13, 2012 @ 10:05 pm

  2. Crap! That should be, “if THEIR life depended on it” (not “there”). Got so emotional there for a second I used the wrong word.

    Comment by Lee — January 13, 2012 @ 10:06 pm

  3. I could not agree with Lee more.I’ve been around,and I hate the phony Clintons.The Obamas are just as bad,if not worse.Obama has lied about everything,and the pathetic media is silent.After saying he would have nothing to do with lobbyists,he just hired a piece of crap lobbyist from the tax funded America hating La Raza.Viva open borders-more idiots to vote for Obama.Every time I see him or hear his voice,I go into a rage.It is incomprehensible that this shitbag,hypocrite is president.And Michelle-pass the fries-what’s for dessert?

    Comment by john — January 13, 2012 @ 11:49 pm

  4. “He makes me sick.”

    Jim, you’re not alone.

    “Sick of all the damn stupidity!”

    Lee, you’re not alone.

    Comment by CenTexTim — January 14, 2012 @ 12:20 am

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