April 19, 2005

Jekyll Lag, Jekyll Pics, and Mr. Blogroll

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 8:06 pm

Jekyll Lag — I have it. It is a distant cousin to jet lag, which I typically experience a day or so after a long, exhausting trip. I am seriously tired tonight, so my current plan (barring an unexpected burst of energy) is to tell those who didn’t click all the links in the previous post where they can find pictures of the weekend of booze, song and debauchery the Georgia Writers Workshop and to do a bit of updating to Mr. Blogroll.

OK, so the first order of business is to let you know that pictures are currently up at Meanderings here and here. Sam, at The Brier Patch, has them posted here.

I had intended to buy a disposable camera (fearing that the odds were better than 50-50 that I would lose my “real” camera). However, our only shopping forays were to the grocery store and the liquor store. So much for the disposable camera. I am grateful (I think) that some people had sense enough to bring a camera and use it. Others may post pictures in the next few days. If that happens and the pictures are not scandalous, I shall let you know where to find them.

The next order of business is to update Mr. Blogroll.

First, I would like to add those who attended the Georgia Writers Workshop and who heretofore were not already listed on Mr. Blogroll. They are:

Moogie’s World

Old Weird Ward

You Bitch


Jersey Blogger Lynne of Shamrocketship has was convinced by John Shabe of The Jersey Side to create a blog about her beloved home town of Red Bank, New Jersey, the home of a couple excellent saloons and some very good music stores. The new enterprise is called Red Bank Journal.

Although she is not a new addition to Mr. Blogroll, I am happy as a clam to report that Kelly of Suburban Blight caught the blogging bug at the Georgia Writers Workshop and fired up her blog again. Welcome back to the Laughing Academy!

Finally, I am pleased to say that Topdawg of Two Nervous Dogs is blogging again after a longish break. A talented writer and regular viewer of Deadwood, Topdawg has it going on. Note: Something is awry with the Two Nervous Dogs link. When typed it in [http://www.twonervousdogs.com] it works, but the link (copied and pasted) produces an error. I will drop Topdawg a note to see what’s up.

Go read.

That is all. Now I shall have a cigar. Thanks, Zonk! They were a mighty fine gift.


  1. No problem, Jim. Besides, Kate (of KateSpot) deserves a lot of the credit for helping me figure out which kind to get.

    It was great to see you again. Stay well, dude!

    Comment by zonker — April 20, 2005 @ 11:01 am

  2. Aw, thanks, Jim! It was awesome to see you again, and to be able to actually lay hands on that great farookin’ head of hair you’ve got. I enjoyed listening to you play and sing immensely.

    I hope that we can coax and cajole you back down here, and very soon. You belong, man. You a Southern Country Squire, for sure.

    Comment by Kelley — April 21, 2005 @ 10:49 pm

  3. Thanks much, Jim. 🙂

    Comment by topdawg — April 22, 2005 @ 7:01 pm

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