April 29, 2005

Too Late, Too Tired.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 10:45 pm

I do have a post in mind. No, really I do. It’s just that each time I try to write it, Life 101 pops up (which includes an ongoing comment spam battle) and prevents me from working on it. Now, I think I’m too damned tired to do any heavy lifting.

However, I do have enough energy to show you why Jimbo will never live in Florida.


  1. I heard they just love peanut and jelly samiches.

    Comment by Dash — April 29, 2005 @ 10:50 pm

  2. Uh… that should be peanut BUTTER and jelly. Whisky’s going down way too easy tonight.

    Comment by Dash — April 29, 2005 @ 10:51 pm

  3. I was born and raised in Florida and I can tell you that happens on a daily basis. I lost most of my kids that way, but they were teenagers at the time so I didn’t really miss them too much.
    later we’d slit open the gator and the kids would come crawling out yelling “I’LL DROP THE ATTITUDE MOM! I SWEAR”

    (I am making all of this up. It was just another one of those days, sorry.)

    I think the pict. was put out by the underground florida society to prevent population growth. just my assumption 😉

    you all are welcome to visit anytime. I have some palmetto bug pictures about as big as that gator…

    Comment by Laura — April 30, 2005 @ 3:23 pm

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