May 4, 2005

The Yukon Jack Stare.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 9:10 pm

In the wee hours of the morning at Jekyll, we got to talking about Yukon Jack liquor. I mentioned that I have a fair amount of experience drinking the stuff and, more importantly, watching others “Do Yukon J.” I should note that Yukon J is one of those boozes with a mellow, pleasant taste that beguiles the drinker into believing that it’s tame. However, hidden beneath its palate-pleasing properties, lurks the firepower of a Howitzer.

The 100 proof sledgehammer creeps up on the unwary and, more than any other liquor I know, Yukon Jack has the propensity to produce “The Stare.”

I won’t even bother to describe The Stare, because Rob, who was one of the Jekyll Night Owls, has described it so well.

A word to the wise: If you give Yukon Jack a try and you find yourself saying, “Yo, this stuff is smoooooth,” it is probably already too late. Don’t even think about driving, and you might also consider wearing shades so that no one can see you doing The Stare.


  1. Ahhh…very familiar. However, my friends and I tend to refer to it as the “SoCo Stare.” Man, that Southern Comfort crap is a killer!

    Comment by TJ — May 4, 2005 @ 11:17 pm

  2. I had a Yugoslavian friend in college who would go on and on about slivovitz until we told her give us a bottle and let’s see. There’s all sorts of ceremony around drinking it, but the five of us basically sat in a circle drinking shots until the bottle was gone. We stared.

    Comment by Sluggo — May 4, 2005 @ 11:54 pm

  3. Ah, yes, Slivovitz. I have spoken of it here.

    Comment by Jim - Parkway Rest Stop — May 5, 2005 @ 12:02 am

  4. we know who has the stare, Cat

    Comment by Catfish — May 5, 2005 @ 11:34 am

  5. The last time I drank Yukon Jack I ended up in the Gilmer County Jail in Ellijay, Georgia. Ellijay is right next door to Cornhole, Georgia, up in the mountains. Never again, said I. Never again.

    Comment by Velociman — May 5, 2005 @ 6:05 pm

  6. Brings back memories of my younger days. Yukon Jack is way too smooth not to get shnockered in about 10 minutes!

    Comment by bogie — May 6, 2005 @ 6:55 am

  7. It’s called “the Land of the Lost Tongue”. You can get there from Mohawk Blackberry Brandy or Old Mr. Boston’s Slow Gin.
    The last thing you remember is putting on the Allman Brothers record…

    Comment by cousin gary — May 6, 2005 @ 10:32 am

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