Not a Particularly Mahvelous Friday Evening.
Tonight I have a bit of Life 101 to deal with. If that doesn’t end up running late (or involving cocktails), I may take a deep breath and noodle around with Mr. Computer.
You see, the anti-virus software, which I was so proud of myself for “successfully” installing, is not able to retrieve virus definition updates. According to the relevant “support page,” I have to delete some files on my C drive, a prospect that sends a very uncomfortable chill down my spine.
Knowing that my lack of techno-facility is exceeded only by my lack of patience, and my fear of causing a computer meltdown, I figure that I could end up looking like this guy.**
I love that guy.
Comment by rita — July 23, 2005 @ 6:16 am
Topic: Should “noodling” and “deleting files on C drive” be mentioned in such proximity to one another in a post, by one with a pattern of deferred success in computer matters? Discuss.
Comment by dogette — July 23, 2005 @ 10:01 am
You might want to consider just renaming said files… not deleting them. That way if something goes screwy and you need them – they can easily be renamed back to the original and viola! you’re back in business.
Then if you don’t need them – after a week or 2 you can delete them without worrying.
If I’m going to do a rename I usually do something like _1 after the original name. So file.txt becomes file_1.txt That’s usually sufficient. Good luck with the geek work. Hope the pool day was great.
Comment by Teresa — July 23, 2005 @ 6:39 pm