Yes, today is:
Satur-DAY, Satur-DAY, SAAAAAtur-day,
Satur-DAY, Satur-DAY, SAAAAAtur-day.Satur-DAY, Satur-DAY, SAAAAAtur-day,
Satur-DAY, Satur-DAY, SAAAAAtur-day.
Thank you, Bernie Taupin (Elton John’s wordsmithing partner) for that moving lyric.
Which brings me to Elton John — Sir Elton John.
I never cared for the guy’s music. With a couple exceptions (Daniel and Rocket Man come to mind), I always found his tunes to be plodding, much like the musical embodiment of a person walking with a bad limp. Plus, those of his songs that are even slightly tolerable all sound the damned same to me.
In addition, I never was impressed or amused by his wigs, his clown-like (ack!) outfits, or his douchebag big-assed glasses.
This message was brought to you by The Free-Floating Case of the Ass Society. Feh!
I agree with you, although I will note that he was tolerable in his early years, and each subsequent year his music has become more & more like “background noise.” Sorta like Billy Joel.
Comment by david — January 28, 2006 @ 3:15 pm
And just think, in a few hours it’ll be S, A, T-U-R, D-A-Y — Night!
Same decade, different crappy musicians.
Comment by Russ — January 28, 2006 @ 4:06 pm
What about, “Hold me closer Tony Danza”????
Comment by MCPO Airdale — January 28, 2006 @ 6:43 pm
I actually liked his first two or three albums…but that whacked-out stage persona was always too much for me.
Give Tumbleweed Connection a listen. There’re a few songs on there that still hold up well.
Then flush your head out with some Frank Zappa, which will leave a clean, yet bizarre, aftertaste.
Comment by Elisson — January 29, 2006 @ 12:05 am
I always found his tunes to be plodding, much like the musical embodiment of a person walking with a bad limp. Thank you Jim of Parkway Rest Stop. Of course, I could always boil it down further thusly: Elton John…
Trackback by Bad Example — January 29, 2006 @ 10:55 am
“I’m a beeyitch, I’m a beeyitch, cuz I’m bettah than you . . . ” Holy crap.
Member, FFCOTA Society
Comment by dogette — January 29, 2006 @ 4:12 pm is not registered.
Comment by Craig — January 29, 2006 @ 5:20 pm
Every time I hear him mentioned, I’m reminded of Keith Richards’ comment that he got famous writing songs about dead blondes.
Comment by aelfheld — January 29, 2006 @ 8:17 pm
I heard that he is gay.
Comment by nesselrode5 — January 31, 2006 @ 3:50 pm