Hazy, Lazy Sunday.
It was a great party last night. There must have been 150 – 175 people there, and Sol spent all night walking around speaking with each and every one of them. Not too shabby for a 100-year old guy, methinks.
Drove back this morning and spent the rest of the day resting and dozing off reading a crime novel. Didn’t feel much like blogging.
Next, the Sopranos.
That’s very cool. If I’m around at 100 – I want to be up and doin’ otherwise what’s the point. I’ve got a ways to go before I get to that point though.
Comment by Teresa — June 5, 2006 @ 10:31 am
hey Jim
Attended Sol’s party also. I and my wife were very impressed with your presentation; not only was it well conceived,
but also very well presented…you stories enlightened us on the man that is Sol Lipkin.
What a refreshing change to be in the presence of not only greatness and class, but also incredible humility. It’s a
trait I fear is sadly lacking in our world today. Sol embodies these qualities more than almost anyone I know.
Thank you again for the update. God bless you.
DJ and Terri Henney Post 35 Union
Comment by DJ Henney.Sr. — June 10, 2006 @ 12:47 am