Did ya Notice?
When Craig did the heavy lifting necessary to convert this site from Movable Type to WordPress with little or no notice (spammers and an overwhelmed host made the switch immediately necessary), some of the stuff that was on the sidebar of the Movable Type site did not get switched over.
I initially figured that I would simply, but ever so carefully, fool with Mr. Template to put the stuff back. I managed to add stuff — even a button — to the old site, so I thought I would be able to do it again.
So, I popped open the template and, “Holy Style Sheets, Batman!” The WordPress templates don’t look anything like those in Movable Type. I stared at the template (and the style sheet — style farookin’ sheet??? as if they were written in Sanskrit. Positively stupefying. No way I’m going anywhere near that.
Besides, it’s not a huge deal, as the site works fine. I can write stuff, and people can read it. The rest is gravy. Besides, I know that Craig, who has always graciously helped when asked, has many, many more important things to do these days to than to add non-necessary doodads to my site.
Well, another blogger has made the reckless mistake of volunteering volunteered to fiddle with Mr. Template and put some old stuff back and maybe even add a few new bells and whistles.
As you can see, the picture of the headstock of my beloved Gibson has reappeared along with the “Mr. Blogroll” title.
More changes to Mr. Sidebar and site are in the offing. I’m positively happy-dance giddy.
The mondo-helpful blogger seeks no accolades and prefers not to be identified, but I would like to publicly express my sincere thanks for volunteering to help the Mr. Cyber-Challenged.
Thank you to the “unknown blogger”. I’m glad you found someone who knows what goes where and how to do it. I was thinking of moving to WP and naturally everything is different – that’s just to keep us all on our toes as we totally screw up our blogs. *grin*
Comment by Teresa — June 6, 2006 @ 12:46 pm
Jimbo, it’s great that such people do such wonderful things for computer-fucktard bloggers. I am always grateful when such people do it for ME. But… it does kinda chap my ass, because they make it look so EASY, when I make it look like a monkey fucking a football if I try it myself.
But that fact never alters my appreciation or my gratitude. You can find some really GOOD people on the internet.
Comment by Acidman — June 6, 2006 @ 4:23 pm
I just made the switch to WordPress from MT myself and I felt like an idiot trying to figure out that wacky new coding. PHP? Wha? Justgive me my good old HTML back!
However, now that I’ve been tooling around in there for a few days I have to say that I really like WordPress a LOT and I think you’ll be very happy with it!
Comment by Jaynee — June 8, 2006 @ 9:22 am
I totally second what Acidman said.
Bloggers are cool.
Comment by firefly — June 9, 2006 @ 5:01 pm