My Letter.
I got my letter today from the Department of Veterans Affairs. Apparently I am one of the gazillion veterans whose information was in the database that was stolen from a VA employee’s home. The letter advises that I monitor my financial statements for signs of “suspicious activity”.
I figure that, if I see credit card charges from places like “Yamashita’s Sushi Palace” or “Gators R Us”, I’ll know something’s up.
Oh, and if some guy claiming to be me buys a house in your neighborhood, check his hair. If it’s not of the great farookin’ variety, please give me a shout, OK?
Should we watch for tuition to clown college, too?
Comment by DMerriman — June 7, 2006 @ 9:42 pm
While explaining to my dad exactly what the ID theft meant, I mentioned that the thieves could try to get credit in his name. He fell over laughing, saying “A lot of good that’ll do ’em. I ain’t got no credit.”
Comment by rita — June 8, 2006 @ 8:39 am
Dear Mr. Parkway:
Thank you so much for your extremely generous $1000 donation to my campaign. With your help, and the help of other concerned people like you, I just know we can win in ’08!
Love, Hillary
PS: It’s SO funny! For a minute there my staff thought you were that guy who’s been putting those mean-spirited “letters” on the internet!
Comment by dogette — June 8, 2006 @ 8:59 am
There’s someone buying property around here that has mediocre farookin’ hair, but I thought that might’ve been you on a bad hair day.
I’ll keep watching him…
Comment by Harvey — June 10, 2006 @ 4:55 pm