I Can’t Write Like Eric.
Check out how Eric described this morning on his deck.
Pretty amazing, no? He grabs the moment with a vice-like grip and only lets go once he’s squeezed every bit of beauty out of it.
If I had written the piece, it would have looked something like this:
Yo! I’m freezing my stindeens off out here. Farookin’ boids! They annoy the dogshit outta me.
I need a goddamned drink.
I can’t write like Eric, but I wish I could.
Yes, he is amazing isn’t he? But then so are you, in YOUR way. That’s what I love in reading of the blogs. So many styles and so many facinating ways to look at things through someone elses eyes.
Comment by imp — October 26, 2006 @ 9:19 pm
I really like what imp said… ’bout covered it!
Comment by Jean — October 26, 2006 @ 10:42 pm
I can write like Eric.
At least, I can mimic his style. But on more than one occasion, Eric and I will see the exact same thing and write completely different posts about it. It’s his way of seeing the world – very different from mine – that makes his writing so enjoyable. The style is just the icing on the cake.
Same, of course, goes for you – and for most any writer worth reading.
Comment by Elisson — October 26, 2006 @ 11:00 pm
I can’t hardly talk must less write, Cat
Comment by Catfish — October 27, 2006 @ 12:28 pm
… you guys and gals are much too kind…. I am glad you enjoyed it, Jimbo…
Comment by Eric — October 27, 2006 @ 4:54 pm
Well, the flipside of that is, Eric – talented as he is – might not do justice the way you can to Joizey Political Commentary, and nobody Catblogs or Parodies like Elisson, and Absolutely No Human Soul could even touch V-Man’s observation on Jockstraps and Hairless Pubic Mounds.
Everyone’s different. I love the way you write.
Comment by Erica — October 27, 2006 @ 6:55 pm
Heheh… he do be one of my faves, but you’re right up there with him, Jimbo. There’s many who have different styles, but they are all kick ass in their right.
I feel so damn out of place when I hang with you guys… like a little kid looking up at giants. Imagine that.. heheheh.
Comment by That 1 Guy — October 27, 2006 @ 8:11 pm