Another Cell Phone Vulgarian Story.
I often wonder if there are a finite number of Douchebag-Uses-a-Cell-Phone stories.
I’ve decided that the number is indeed finite, but it is possibly matched by the total number of grains of sand on all the beaches and in all the deserts in the world.
That said, here is yet another one.
I was sitting in a waiting room at a nearby surgical center. An intake/receptionist window was at the front of the room. All the chairs in the room were arranged much like church pews facing the front of the room. To the right of the receptionist window was a large sign that read, “Cell phone use is not permitted in this room.†Those words appeared below the symbol showing a cell phone in a red circle through which a diagonal red line is drawn (very similar to the sign shown above).
Got the picture?
May I be hit in the head with a bag of boogers if I’m lying, but a guy sitting in the front row, directly opposite the sign (It couldn’t have been more than six feet from his nose) pulled out his cell phone and made a call and proceeded to blab for several minutes. Note: He did not take a call and leave the room to talk. No, he placed a goddamned call.
There were some mutterings from others waiting in the crowded room, but they went unheeded by the cell phone vulgarian. I (and I suspect others) were all hoping that one of the peeps behind the window would enter the waiting room to tell the inconsiderate putz to “take it outsideâ€, but it did not happen.
I should have moved to the front of the room to sit directly in front of the “No Smoking†sign and fired up a smoke. Just to make a point or two, ya know.
Hahaha. Good timing for this post. My date and I went out for sushi tonight. I don’t usually like to go out Fridays – need a nice quite end to the work-week. But the restaurant is quiet, dark, and cozy. Too bad it was also plagued by at least 3 cellphones ringing while we were there. TURN THE EFFING THING OFF WHEN YOU ENTER THE RESTUARANT OR LEAVE IT IN THE CAR. ARrrrrggghhh…
Comment by Shamrock — February 9, 2007 @ 9:42 pm
Ew, dat ain’t cool, at all. Vulgarians, indeed. I, for one, detest phones (cell, or otherwise) altogether and would not mind bunging mine in the trash bin in exchange for a little personal freedom.
Since that is not feasible, I always keep it on vibrate, out of respect for the highly disrespectful around me, and decide, based on who is calling, whether I want to pick up or not.
Ey, nobody’s perfect.
Comment by Blerica — February 9, 2007 @ 10:47 pm
I’m betting he’s one of those people who go to the grocery store, fill up a cart with about 50 items and then get into the 14 item or less check out lane. This would be because 1) he can’t read signs or interpret pictures 2) no sign ever applies to him 3) why would he bother about all these peons taking up space around him…
If I was the receptionist in one of those places, I’d take great pleasure in humiliating these people in front of the entire room. Maybe that’s why I’m not working in one of these places.
Comment by Teresa — February 10, 2007 @ 12:58 pm
Any bets on his political affiliation? Seems like the party of the left is the one that thinks no rules pertain to them.
Comment by dick — February 10, 2007 @ 2:10 pm
I generally have my cell phone on when I am out and about since I’ve left the younguns with a babysitter and never know when/if she may need to contact me. That being said, my phone is on vibrate and if a call does come in I answer it only if I think it is necessary; I quickly go to an area away from other diners or movie goers or whatever to take care of business. We can’t always turn off cell phones to be ‘unreaceable’ but we can use some manners!
Comment by Michele — February 10, 2007 @ 2:29 pm
Hmmmm. I’m always intrigued by the drivers having heated conversations – I’ve been known to exit the freeway before my intended exit just to get away from them. Cell phone rage = road rage. It’s an epidemic here.
Comment by Pixie — February 10, 2007 @ 4:41 pm
Sometimes the “no cell use” signs also add that cell phone use “Interferes With Our Extremely Sensitive Lifesaving Diagnostic Equipment & Will Cause Innocent Cute Little Grandmas Inside These Very Exam Rooms To Die Painful Horrible Deaths” or some such. Now I don’t know if that’s true or not, or even possible, but I’m willing to respect the instructions and not use my goddamn cell for a while. But whaddaya wanna bet there are asshats out there in waiting rooms making calls in front of those signs as well?
Comment by dogette — February 11, 2007 @ 5:19 pm
Sadly dueling and gunfighting have gone the way of the honest politician..
Comment by james old guy — February 12, 2007 @ 10:39 am