Elisson’s Keys.
Before leaving for vacation, Blogger Extraordinaire Elisson graced me with a set of keys to his place to shit up his site guest post while he is away lounging on some beach with his most charming spouse. I was honored to be gifted with a set of keys from a guy who is an extremely talented writer and who has an inexhaustible supply of creativity.
I was doubly honored when I saw the other bloggers Elisson entrusted his place to. I am in the company of Velociman, Treppenwitz, our favorite Straight White Guy, and Erica, the Smartass Brooklyn Jooette, who has a demonstrated stellar track record for really shitting up people’s blogs while they’re away guest posting.. Pretty heavy-duty group there.
I’ve already tossed a turd into the Blog d’Elisson, and I hope to leave a few more droppings over there during the week. So, if I don’t appear here, you may well find my silly musings over there.

Speaking of Elisson, did I mention that he is a wonderfully talented and creative writer? I believe I did. But, I did not mention that he has managed to do what many bloggers only dream of doing. He has gotten a book published. No kidding. It’s a real, honest-to-goodness book. As the title states, it is a collection of 100 of Elisson’s amazing 100-word stories. You can order your copy at Amazon.com, which is seriously cool. So, go buy one already!
.. dude, your interview with SWMBO is one for the ages…..
Comment by Eric — June 3, 2007 @ 8:03 am
Awwww, Hairboy…you sweet talker. Go ahead, go on vacation again. I dare you.
Comment by Erica, the Smartass Brooklyn Jooette — June 3, 2007 @ 9:09 am