June 20, 2007

B Flat and Gators.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 9:24 pm

Knowing that I like music and that I hate alligators, Dave of A Different Lemming sent me this article, which deals with the curious effect that a B flat note played two octaves below a middle C (i.e. a really LOW note) has on alligators.

While I found the notion that a particular man-made tone could trigger instinctive responses in reptiles that have been on the planet for roughly 30 million years, I could not help but think how much I would like to visit that place with a high-powered rifle and with a master tuba player in tow.

Read it, and you’ll catch my drift


  1. See, Jimbo…that’s precisely why I love the Montana Cabal. Because, in a moment of weakness, when I grow tired of busting your stindeens, I can switch to cruise control and rest happy knowing that my fellow emergency generators–Randy, Craig or Dave–always got my back.

    Alligators and tubas. Next thing you know they’ll be going to the philharmonic.

    Comment by Erica — June 20, 2007 @ 10:30 pm

  2. […] at Parkway Rest Stop has a link to this article about a couple tuba players who recently played for some gators at […]

    Pingback by Pereiraville » B♭ — June 21, 2007 @ 11:21 am

  3. Jimbo……

    This is old science…. In the Novel/movie Dune,they called the worms in with a thumper, I knew an oldtimer who could get frogs to croak at night grunting into a lager bottle…..you know the short portly 12oz bottles.

    For real action, rustle a check book or toss a credit card on the kitchen table & my better half comes running with purse & car keys in hand ready to go to the mall.

    Comment by dudley1 — June 21, 2007 @ 11:43 am

  4. At any rate, the b flat not is not as crappy as the “brown” note…..(pun intended)

    Comment by Dave — June 21, 2007 @ 3:46 pm

  5. Wow, I never thought about trying to drown a prospective mate when i was single. That might have saved all sorts of years of frickin’ aggrivation.

    Comment by Bou — June 22, 2007 @ 7:00 pm

  6. When I still lived in Bradenton I heard a bull gator “roar”. Woke me up. I went out on the lanai and saw what looked like a “check” mark. It was a gator, balancing on it’s tail and hind legs tryin’ to get at some birds in a tree. (Dry DRY summer, food sources very limited). I couldn’t find the damned camera, but it was one of the coolest things I’d ever seen.

    Turned out it was a 9′ bull livin’ in that little lake.

    Did I mention I lived ON the water? Just the screen of the lanai between him and me? Yeah, didn’t sit out there until they caught that bad boy……

    Comment by Tammi — June 24, 2007 @ 2:53 pm

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