August 21, 2007

More on Not-So-Sharpe James.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jim @ 8:10 pm

Former mayor of Newark (The Sanctuary City), Sharpe James, spews his latest barrage of bullshit.

I have a couple thoughts on this:

1. Raymond Brown, a well known defense attorney, does not come cheap, but, to me, it is equally as likely that Mr. Brown is not having an easy time dealing with his arrogant and profoundly stupid client and, therefore, wants gracefully out; or

2. Not-So-Sharpe wants to keep the whereabouts of his mountains of unlawfully obtained cash secret, lest it be seized by the government.

I guess he figures either that he’ll beat the rap and still have lots of cash, or he’ll have some serious walkin’ around money when he’s released from Lewisburg when he’s in his nineties.

Just another political crud brought to you by New Jersey voters.


  1. “Not-So-Sharpe wants to keep the whereabouts of his mountains of unlawfully obtained cash secret, lest it be seized by the government.”

    Don’t we all.

    I’ll be over here, in beautiful tree-lined Brooklyn, ruminating on the possible causes why unprecedented numbers of shitheads are attracted to the idea of holding public office in New Jersey, and why their constituents constantly allow themselves to be fuct over.

    Comment by Erica — August 21, 2007 @ 9:03 pm

  2. Erica ….Like you Nahyakers really are on target when you take in the Illegal immigrants from Arkansas & let one of em be your Senator & the other revel in being the first black ex-president.

    I guess if the peoples republic of Massachusetts ever wise up & toss swimmer overboard , he can float down to New York & become another carpet bagger senator like brother Bobby was. Don`t you people have anybody born in your state you could vote for?

    Just to be fair we got Governor Ed Rumball here in Pennsylvania, the Taxmans fairy godfather so we sure can`t gloat, but at least he is a home grown parasite.

    Comment by dudley1 — August 21, 2007 @ 9:31 pm

  3. “Don`t you people have anybody born in your state you could vote for?”

    Rudy. Brooklyn-born. Republican. Future Terrorist Ass-kicker of America. I’ll have to overlook his allegiance to the Yankees, though. If he were a Mets fan, he’d be poifect.


    Comment by Erica — August 21, 2007 @ 9:34 pm

  4. I’m betting “not so Sharpe” is kicking himself for not moving north and becoming the mayor of Boston… just think of all the cash he could’ve collected through the Big Dig swindle. Heh.

    Comment by Teresa — August 21, 2007 @ 9:48 pm

  5. Among most conservatives, Rudy won’t get the right time of day. Shot himself in the foot with this one:

    Comment by Jerry K — August 21, 2007 @ 11:08 pm

  6. Here we go again….The NY contingent getting all silly. Brooklynites attacking us Joiseyans over corrupt politicians even though…1. Politics is a blood sport in Brooklyn and 2. One of the most corrupt politicians in the history of NY has his final resting place in Brooklyn. Yep, that’s right, Boss Tweed is buried in Greenwood in Brooklyn.

    Comment by Robbie K. — August 22, 2007 @ 4:22 pm

  7. Robbie: True story. A few years ago, I actually went on a tour of Green-Wood Cemetery (also the highest point in Brooklyn, with on unobstructed view of the Minerva Statue waving across the river to the Statue of Liberty, which youse stole from New York) with some friends called “The Gangs of New York” tour — the movie had just come out a few weeks earlier, so we got to see where a lot of soldiers and notable figures from the Civil War were buried, as well as Horace Greeley, and Boss Tweed.

    As a goof, my friend suggested I have my picture taken with Boss Tweed’s tombstone, and I, of course, was more than happy to oblige (are you listening, still?). So there is a photo of me, in existence somewhere, actually planting a smooch on the side of the tombstone, which was more like an obelisk, in a family plot.

    Hey, it happened in Brooklyn.

    Comment by Erica — August 22, 2007 @ 7:12 pm

  8. Erica,

    The real Bill The Butcher is buried in Greenwood, too. I loved Gangs of New York, BTW.

    Comment by Robbie K. — August 25, 2007 @ 8:52 pm

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