Outta Time.
I hve been a subscriber to Time Magazine since I was sixteen years old. Yeah, yeah, I know — The Man of the Year back then was Galileo. (I figure I’d beat the Wiseass Jooette to the punch.)
Anyway, for the past few years, each issue has managed to increasingly piss me off, because what is being offered up as objective news reporting would be redlined by a high school journalism teacher as rank advocacy (in Time’s case, for the Democrat Party). I meant to cancel my long-time subscription at its last renewal, but it somehow “auto-renewed.” Obviously either I or Mrs. Parkway must have checked a box in one of the prior renewal forms. At the time I thought that I would give it one more year rather than go through the hassle of canceling.
Since my last “renewal,” reading the Democrat House Organ that poses as a new magazine results in my talking back to the pages, not unlike shouting at the television when Meet the Press or Chris Matthews is on. Who needs this shit?
Today, I received my issue of Time on which was a special cover stapeled over the real cover. It was a message to “Our Valued Automatic Renewal Customers.” I frankly had forgotten that I had become a “Valued Automatic Reneal Customer.” The message informed me:
We’ll renew your subscription at the guaranteed saving indicated below, and you will be billed or charged before your next term begins unless you cancel within 2 weeks after receiving this notice.
Thank you for reminding me. Two weeks? How about two farookin’ minutes.
I immediately went to the customer service website and clicked “Cancel my Subscription.” It gave me two alternatives:
1. Cancel my subscription at the end of my current term.
2. Cancel my subscription immediately.
I chose Door Number 2.
It felt great.
Goes to show you how off I am, as I had thought the Time Magazine “Man of the Year” back then was the biblical figure, and your namesake (*cough* *Jackie was safe* *cough*) Ya’akov/Jacob.
PS: Heh-heh, you said “Door Number 2.”
Comment by Erica — August 31, 2007 @ 9:49 pm
I bet you framed the issue that had TIME’s Top 100 Most Influential People. You know the one that failed to list President Bush, but did list Leonardo DiCaprio and Rosie O’Donnell. And let’s not forget Al Gore, listed as one of TIME’s “Scientists & Thinkersâ€. That magazine is a joke.
Comment by Jerry — August 31, 2007 @ 11:34 pm
Good choice! With the money saved?… more cat food for Junior 🙂
Comment by Jean — September 1, 2007 @ 7:42 am
I dropped that piece of shit rag years ago , US News & World Report as well. Neither lets the truth spoil the presentation of a good fairy tale or get in the way of advancing their liberal agenda.
Comment by dudley1 — September 1, 2007 @ 8:49 am
I hate Time magazine. A co-worker brings it in and leaves it in the bathroom. So occasionally I peruse it. I find regular blog fodder from the various things that piss me off.
I have a liberal friend who hates Time because it’s biased to the right. WTF?
Comment by wRitErsbLock — September 1, 2007 @ 9:06 am
My father-in-law noticed many years ago that I regularly read his Newsweek when I visited his home. As a result, he gave me a gift suscription of my own way back in the ’70s. Living in northern New Jersey at the time, it was a source of national and international news that I enjoyed–at first. As the ’80s driftted passed, the mag became a rag. I finally cancelled in the early ’90s when I finally realized just how repulsivly left-leaning the reporting had become. It was the best decision I could have made.
There were other magazines I also dropped for the same reason. Several of them had environmental slants that just got more and more strident and unrealistic. I used the money saved to subscribe to more neutral or specific topic/hobby publications.
Comment by joated — September 1, 2007 @ 11:14 am
We got National Geographic automagically for many years in that same way… just kept subscribing to it. But then over the last 5 years they have gone so far left and everything is about how evil the US is an all about the great church of Global Warming… we dropped the subscription and now we get Popular Mechanics. Now THAT’s an excellent magazine written by sane people. *grin*
Comment by Teresa — September 1, 2007 @ 11:15 am
Good job, Jim. Time sux. National Review, anyone?
Comment by dogette — September 1, 2007 @ 1:47 pm
I think all of the news rags are left wing..and I think that is the fault of public schools which are run by the socialist teachers unions and the public colleges who are mostly taught by left wing professors. It is a gotdam wonder that there are any people left in this country that understand deductive logic
Comment by GUYK — September 1, 2007 @ 10:36 pm