I had a rather busy and exhausting week, which means that I had just about zero time to spend at the keys. So, now that I finally have the opportunity to sit here for more than a handful of minutes, I have to decide whether to catch up on blogs that I’ve missed reading, or try to write something. Problem is, after a killer week and a rousing hour of snow-blowing, I’m too tired to do either. No loss for youse guys, as I don’t have a single readworthy thought in my cruller at the moment.
Methinks I shall shuffle off to a comfy chair with a book until I nod off, which should take about ten minutes.
Maybe later.
Not having anything to say has never stopped me from blogging!
Comment by Cappy — February 22, 2008 @ 8:59 pm
Hairboy, don’t pet the sweaty things…just you sip some sweet bourbon, take a load off, and everything’ll all fall into place.
Comment by Erica — February 23, 2008 @ 1:20 am
No, contest. The easy chair, Babe. We can wait.
Comment by Sugar Britches — February 23, 2008 @ 6:26 pm